the dwelling
"We shape our dwelling, and then our dwelling shapes us”
- Winston Churchill
Whether home or office, our dwelling and environment has a significant impact on our physical and mental well-being!
We have a relationship with our environment. We can feel inspired, relaxed, at peace, or in chaos. We all know that decor, clutter, and light can have a significant impact on our ability to focus or relax and enjoy. Did you know that products in your home also impact you in a deep, physiologic way? Fragrances and other chemicals disrupt our hormones, damage our nervous system, and fatigue our endocrine system.
What am I really saying? These "fabulous" scents we fill our home and office with make us tired, irritable, restless, and possibly infertile. Oh, and did I mention allergies? Do you have a chronic post nasal drip (a cough when you lay down, congestion)? That is allergies. FRAGRANCES are thousands of chemicals that sensitize your system.
This is just day to day. Studies are linking these same chemicals to memory loss, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer.
Ugh, I know. Take a deep breath! A few simple swaps and you are on your way to a healthier, more abundant life. Longevity is in sight!
Top 3 Habits for a Healthier Home
Ditch the Fragrances.
Did you know that indoor air quality is far worse than outdoor? Number one offender? Fragrances!
For cleaner air quality immediately remove fragrant products. Febreeze, Scented Lysol, dryer sheets, laundry detergent, plug-ins, Scentsy, scented candles are the top offenders. The good news is that these are easy to ditch, and if you want to switch the replacements are even more affordable! WIN WIN!
Dump those chemicals for a diffuser and take advantage of the ability to personalize your aroma as well as receive therapeutic benefits for home and body
(Search for my favorite swaps or articles on “fragrances”.)
Swap your cleaners.
What’s in your cabinet?
Have you thought about what cleaner you use? I didn’t. I assumed whatever was on the shelf was safe. I grabbed what I thought worked (and smelled good).
Truth be told, chemicals sprayed on surfaces, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin tax our liver, endocrine system, and disrupt our hormones! Chemicals inhaled create effects similar to smoking, reducing oxygen delivery, increasing allergy like symptoms, and reducing sleep quality. ! YIKES! Think moodiness, fatigue, and abnormal hormone cycles! Switch out to a healthy and effective plant-based cleaners. (See my preferred products or search "cleaner" for a healthy and affordable swap)!
Ditch the dryer sheets.
Do you have a beautiful laundry room or a laundry closet?
Is it indoors? Your detergent and dryer sheets could be the greatest contaminator in your home! No worries! I didn’t know either.
Guess what? 90% of my purchases occur on Amazon, Costco, or Young Living. Why? Affordable, time saving, and reliable. I can see reviews or trust the source. Easy button? Grab some wool dryer balls off Amazon or Young Living. They cost about $12 and will last for years (no dyes please, and make sure they 100% wool). No more dryer sheets! Want that fresh smell? Add 1-3 drops of your favorite essential oil! I LOVE eucalyptus for clothing and Cedarwood for towels and sheets. (See my articles for more on laundry and fragrances)

Linen Spray
Supplies: 2-4oz spray bottle or pump bottle. Ingredients: Fill 4/5 full with witch hazel or distilled water (witch hazel dries quicker) 8 drops Lavender EO 2 drops Believe, Thieves, or Valor EO blends Instructions: Combine all ingredients Shake gently before use....
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