wellness box
Your Wellness Cabinet Made Simple
Is your cabinet stocked with items that nourish your body, help you function at your best, and keep your immune system strong?
Or is your cabinet stocked with items that help you respond, when things are out of sort?
How much money do you spend on items that are supposed to help you feel or get better? What if that money were spent on items that kept you feeling your best?
After years of research and trials we have compiled our favorite "wellness boxes" for you. These SUPPLEMENT (not vitamin) boxes, categorized to meet your needs, are intended to support normal cell communication and help your body maintain normal function.
If you are on medications please print the ingredients and review with your physician prior to beginning a new regimen.
If you order through me I am happy to offer an e-consult to confirm that these supplements are right for you.

To order your wellness box today...
- go to bit.ly/AmberOsborneYL
- Start shopping through your list. Check out the kits first as these are the best deals, and may combine many items you are looking for or utilize the product numbers provided here to easily find what you are looking for.
- Once your shopping is complete, create an account for ease of future shopping.
- Unlock the 24% discount by purchasing over $100 or by adding any one item to your subscribe and save option.
- Subscribe and Save provides even deeper savings and the convenience of choosing how often you want the products delivered right to your door! Receive up to 25% back each month!
- Shoot me a message that says "I'm in" to get a special goody bag, complimentary log in to our library, and extra support from me!

Antioxidant Therapy
Did you know our bodies naturally make antioxidants? Their job is to bind up all of the free radicals and rid your body of them. This plays an important role in hair and skin health, organ function, recovery, and immune function as well as almost everything else.
Why Ningxia? It is composed of a variety of different antioxidants which is very important, along with two power houses Clove essential oil and Wolfberry with ORAC value >1mill and 35,000 respectively.
In our house we each take an ounce a day...
Item 3042 or just snag the Premium Ningxia kit (instead of basic)

Master Formula
Truly a MASTER FORMULA in every way.
Containing bioavailable plant based probiotics, probiotics, antioxidants, minerals, and nutrients this truly is a powerhouse and often the only supplement many need to feel energized, focused, and stay well. Click the item number to review and be impressed by the ingredients.

Digestive Enzymes
Gut inflammation can occur for many reasons from food intolerance to exposure to viruses and parasites to chemical or surgical disruption. Once the insult is REMOVED or CORRECTED it takes about 8 weeks for the inflammation to completely subside and normal gut function to return.
Goals include reducing inflammation, supporting digestion, and assisting with toxin removal and pH balance. See our protocol in the library for complete steps.
Essentialzymes-4 are an essential component to promoting healthy digestion by helping process fats, proteins, fiber, and carbs often found in the American diet. Also helpful for those that need additional support for fatty food breakdown such as those with a history of gallbladder dysfunction. These can be taken for 6-8 weeks and then on as needed basis when exposed to something disagreeable. These can help tremendously with recovery for those with food intolerances or those that travel often.

Super Bs
Gut inflammation can occur for many reasons from food intolerance to exposure to viruses and parasites to chemical or surgical disruption. Once the insult is REMOVED or CORRECTED it takes about 8 weeks for the inflammation to completely subside and normal gut function to return.
Goals include reducing inflammation, supporting digestion, and assisting with toxin removal and pH balance. See our protocol in the library for complete steps. When our gut is inflamed we do not absorb our vitamins and minerals properly. Replacing certain vitamins and minerals is important (Whole complex B, D3 w/K, and Ca/Mg are my top picks). B vitamins are not stored in the body so they need to be replaced daily. This is an excellent item to have delivered in your wellness box each month.
Super Bs are a whole complex with a variety of B vitamins (mimicking how they would be found in nature) with a NATURAL folate source so safe for MTHFR. Add this to your regimen to discover increased energy, stable moods, and less anxiety.

Gut inflammation can occur for many reasons from food intolerance to exposure to viruses and parasites to chemical or surgical disruption. Once the insult is REMOVED or CORRECTED it takes about 8 weeks for the inflammation to completely subside and normal gut function to return.
Goals include reducing inflammation, supporting digestion, and assisting with toxin removal and pH balance. See our protocol in the library for complete steps. Having proper gut biome is imperative to proper function and absorption of minerals and nutrients. Proper pH is also important. Eating fermented foods (without dye and additives) is one way to improve both. Our wellness tea and a probiotic also help. I recommend a blend of all of these.
Olive My Pickle is a partner and our preferred fermented foods source for many reasons. Our wellness tea is simple to make. For supplementation Life 9 is my go to. With 17 BILLION live cultures it is a powerhouse. Best taken in the evening and after any alcohol intake to replenish gut biome. It is proven to replicate impressively. Specially packaged and capsulated to ensure appropriate delivery and release as well efficacy.

Botannical Support
Gut inflammation can occur for many reasons from food intolerance to exposure to viruses and parasites to chemical or surgical disruption. Once the insult is REMOVED or CORRECTED it takes about 8 weeks for the inflammation to completely subside and normal gut function to return.
Goals include reducing inflammation, supporting digestion, and assisting with toxin removal and pH balance. See our protocol in the library for complete steps.
Copaiaba and Digize essential oils are distilled from plants that reduce inflammation and support cellular health and digestion. Use twice daily during the 8 week protocol and then as needed thereafter. (Rub over belly button or rub the vitality non-gmo right on your gums!

Antioxidant Therapy
Health needs of men are unique, but one common thread is that our bodies are all exposed to pollution, non-nutritive foods, and toxins every day through our travels, our personal care products, and our diets. Antioxidants help bind up all of the free radicals produced by these and helps your body eliminate them rather than store them in your fat (potentially damaging the brain, nervous system, and central organs).
Did you know our bodies naturally make antioxidants? Their job is to bind up all of the free radicals and rid your body of them. This plays an important role in hair and skin health, organ function, recovery, and immune function as well as almost everything else.
Why Ningxia? It is composed of a variety of different antioxidants which is very important, along with two power houses Clove essential oil and Wolfberry with ORAC value >1mill and 35,000 respectively.
In our house we each take an ounce a day...
Item 3042 or just snag the Premium Ningxia kit (instead of basic)

Antioxidant Therapy
Aminowise is also an excellent choice of antioxidant, especially if you live an athletic life, outdoor life or have a tendency towards cramping. Not only does it have the powerful wolf berry antioxidant and minerals necessary for a HEALTHY IMMUNE SYSTEM; but it also contains the 5 imperative amino acids, electrolytes, and other components that promote vascular, muscle, and nervous system health.
My favorite benefit of this water additive is that it promotes nitric oxide production and release in your body (google the benefits of that)!
Add a scoop to your water each day or during work outs or outside activities.

Botannical Support:
Our endocrine and reproductive systems modulate many hormones, and often we need a little help balancing them. These are my top botannical picks for balance.
Most men (and women) do not realize that hormone balance is equally important for men. As my "A-Men" article describes, it is just a different balance of each of those hormones that keep all systems a go! Utilizing the entirity of this wellness box recommendations usually increases energy, improves sleep, reduces energy, and balances out mood issues (irritability, apathy, etc...). However, extra support may needed throughout different phases of life or for certain individuals.
1. CBD has become a popular choice. Educate yourself about our 100% hemp recommendation on our CBD page here.
If you look closely at this graphic you will notice many CBD2 (hemp) receptors are located in the gut and sex organs. Many men have found that the use of CBD daily or 1-2 weeks per month greatly relieves anxiety, improves sleep quality, and even helps regulate mood. Contact me to determine if this is right for you!
To give it a try head here and choose the CBD Nature's Ultra kit.
2. Mister rubbed daily over lower back and/or thyroid area of neck can help regulate those endocrine hormones that support energy, hair, stress levels and more. It also the preferred cologne of many men (and their ladies). It is earthy like a strong fir tree with a hint of spearmint and leaves a sense of grounding, calm, and confidence.
*Please note that for hormone replacement/therapy we always recommend you send your medical provider and have hormone testing coimpleted. These recommendations are to ease common symptoms many women experience, not for hormone therapy. Please reach out with any questions, and as always consult your physician prior to starting any new regimen or supplements.

Health Needs of Women are Unique
Hormone changes, child bearing, hormone surges, hormone losses, thyroid changes, and so much more lead to low energy, mood swings, irritability, foggy thinking and more. Providing the right nutrients and healthy environment within and around our bodies can make all the difference! Women's health is obviously an area of special interest for me and I would love to help you dial your needs in. Reach out for a consult. Also see our complete recommendations in our protocols.
Multigreens (not celiac friendly) are an incredible way to support mind and body with ingredients like bee pollen, alfalfa, kelp, and so much more. By regulating iron, providing important nutrients you will find your glands, circulatory system, and nervous system will thank you with increased energy and focus and much more.

Calcium, Magnesium, D +K are so important as women age.
Playing a major role in most functions from muscle recovery, bone strength, immunity, focus, rest, circadian rhythm these are imperative to keep at normal levels and the form of each of these matters tremendously. SuperCal Plus created from Red Algea also brings imperative nutrients into your system. A unique and highly bio-available form this supplement does not come with the same concerns many synthetic calcium vitamins do. This supplement is also a powerhouse. Taking 2 capsules each evening will also support rest and mood.

Antioxidant Therapy
Antioxidants are extremely important for women. Did you know we pile on up to 5 pounds of toxins in our body just from make-up alone? That doesn't consider perfumes, lotions, and other beauty and personal care products! yikes!
Adding in an antioxidant is vital to hormone balance, mood stability, and graceful aging.
Ningxia red has been my go to for many reasons. See the post under general wellness at the top of this page.
Aminowise is also an excellent choice, especially if you live an athletic life, outdoor life, or have a tendency towards cramping. Not only does it have the powerful wolf berry antioxidant; but it also contains the 5 imperative amino acids, electrolytes, and other components that promote vascular, muscle, and nervous system health.
Add a scoop to your water each day or during heavier activity.

Hormonal support
You have probably heard by now that the chemicals in tampons and other feminine products disrupt our hormones and can make our cycles heavier, even lead to cysts and other common issues.
Trust me, I understand as a woman who has struggled with heavy cycles and as someone who works long hours in an operating room. Solutions have to be effective first, but they also need to be healthy. These solutions have changed my life and given me a tremendous amount of freedom and health back!
A menstrual cup can be worn up to 12 hours, and is made of food grade silicone so it eliminates the toxins! It does take some adjusting to find out how to seed it. I find the ones with the valves are easiest to manage when you aren't home. Opening the valve after placement seems to provide a better seal as well (vacuum seal of sorts). You might want to get a couple of different sizes for comfort and flow.
Period panties are an amazing options for our teenage girls and women alike. I use a light one to back up my cup on long operating room days; but they can be utilized solely and also provide a great amount of freedom without toxins up against your body all day! No worries, odors are not an issue and it doesn't feel yucky all day either!
- Period panties: cotton colors. https://amzn.to/2XKVafM
- Bamboo panties/ boy cut: https://amzn.to/34H6MBR
- Cup: https://amzn.to/39SJslm

Botannical Support:
Our endocrine and reproductive systems modulate many hormones, and often we need a little help balancing them. These are my top botannical picks for balance.
Many women come to me riddled with anxiety, sadness, sleep issues, and hormonal problems in general. Utilizing the entirity of this wellness box recommendations usually resolves these via nutritional and hormonal support. However, extra support may needed throughout different phases of life or for certain individuals.
1. CBD has become a popular choice. Educate yourself on our CBD page here.
If you look closely at this graphic you will notice many CBD2 (hemp) receptors are located in the uterus. Many women have found that the use of CBD daily or 1-2 weeks per month greatly relieves anxiety, improves sleep quality, and even helps regulate cycles. If you are on any regimens for fertility or medications please consult your primary care or OBGYN prior to starting any new supplements. Contact me to determine if this is right for you!
To give it a try head here and choose the CBD Nature's Ultra kit.
2. Endoflex rubbed daily over lower back and/or thyroid area of neck can help regulate those endocrine hormones that support energy, hair, stress lvels and more.
3. Did you know we actually have very little estrogren in our bodies comparitively, and just a small increase or decrease can have a dramatic effect? (no pun intended). Many reproductive hormone imbalances can be attributed to higher estrogen to progesterone levels. Many women find that rubbing this estrogen potentiator over their bellies or neck daily (at least during that time of the month) produces happier feelings and less irritability.
4. When estrogen levels are low this can lead to that "dragon" coming out. A swipe of this combination over your belly during those times can make a huge impact.
*Please note that for hormone replacement/therapy we always recommend you send your medical provider and have hormone testing coimpleted. These recommendations are to ease common symptoms many women experience, not for hormone therapy. Please reach out with any questions, and as always consult your physician prior to starting any new regimen or supplements.

Support your unique joint and muscles needs with these favorites!
To live a happy, active, and fulfilled life the proper foundations have to be in place. These unique supplements are like none other on the market. You will be pleasantly surprised at how your body is able to use them without any side effects. Think about less cramps, better sleep, quicker muscle recovery, more energy AND endurance, and enhanced immunity!
The Premium Ningxia kit will get you started on the right foot. An ounce a day of this complex juice will elevate your endurance, and support all the cells in your body; keeping you active and fit!
In addition, there are a few items that will support your additional needs for your joints, muscles, endurance, and aches and pains.
- Aches and Pains: Wintergreen is the natural source for Methyl Salicylate making this one of the most powerful pain rubs over the counter. The Cool Azul Pain Cream provides lasting joint and muscle relief when you need it most. For a more convenient on-the-go option Deep Relief is a great gym bag, purse, or brief case addition. Product numbers: Pain: 5759, Deep Relief: 3534
- Muscle Recovery, heat recovery: Aminowise is an amazing drink additive for hot days, work outs, or great daily support for vascular health, immunity, and endurance. Power packed with 5 essential amino acids, minerals, zinc, and electrolytes this should be in everyones cabinet. Add a touch of agave if you are more sweet than tart in preference. Product #20083
- Endurance and energy: Young Livings Protein Complete powder. In chocolate or vanilla this will make all the difference in energy, muscle building, and endurance (with ATP production support). Largely plant-based it is power packed with all the essentials and none of the chemicals, so your body knows just what to do with it (bioavailable). Used by olympians this will not disappoint! For a quick jolt of energy without the crash and jitters Ningxia Nitro is the best option I have found. Based on sea kelp, this is packed with iodine and other endocrine support ingredients, plus a little green tea for caffeine and antioxidants. This is my go to 13 hour days in the hospital as well as for intense workouts. Protein Powder: 3301
- CBD has become ever popular. See my CBD education page or message me to find out if this is right for you. In our library type CBD for additional graphic and resources. Recommending the Hemp only from pure concentrate we have many medical providers and others that get tested regularly using this brand. Nature's ultra pain rub or drops (if regular relief desired) can have tremendous impact and help keep you up and running.

Kids are Unique Creatures!
Since kids eat sooooo healthily and always make wise choices....
Seriously though. Kids have a lot going on. Even if they actually are "good eaters" they likely don't get all the support they need with todays American diet. Allergies are higher than ever, ear infections are common, hyperactivity is becoming the norm, and our precious little babies can turn to a monster in the blink of an eye. Anyone else? Surely I am not alone. Well, belive it or not much of this can be linked to diet. See our full protocol in the Library for keeping your kids healthy. If you aren't quite ready for all that try some or all of these products below! They are all bioavailable, plant based, and (all but the Mightyvites ) are gluten free. My kids actually beg for the Mighty Pro for dessert! In my world, this is a HUGE MOM WIN!
- MightyPro: A plant based combination of probiotic, prebiotic, and antioxidant in one affordable pixie pack! WHAT?!. It seriously tastes like a pixie pack, and can be taken straight by most any age since it dissolves in the mouth. If you were only going to do one thing for your kid this would be my top recommendations. GUT to BRAIN connection is a real thing and it is likely this supplement will have many positive benefits for your littles (or not so littles). It can also be added to a bottle, sippy cup, or water. From easing constipation or diarrhea, to increased focus, less infections, and happier kiddos.
- Mightzymes: A unique combination of digestive enzymes to help our kids digest those "harder to digest" foods. Keeping tummies happy, this chewable tablet can save the day. Item: 3259
- Mightyvites: For overall nutritional support this is an incredible supplement. With a natural source of folate this supplement is MTHFR friendly and bioavailable. As with all other products, no synthetic preservatives or dyes. Item: 20557
- With a full line of therapeutic oils blended and designed just for kids and their common needs this is truly the easy button. We have everything from the Snifflease to the Sleepyize and my kids regularly ask for them. Prediluted and affordable this just makes mom life easier and many many many nights of sleep better! Their Feather the Owl diffuser helps support big bird rescue at their sponsored Aviary and it the perfect combination of sound machine and ionizing diffuser (built to survive a kids room lol)!
- CBD has become ever popular for kiddos with high anxiety or hyperactivity. See my CBD education page or message me to find out if this is right for you. In our library type CBD for additional graphic and resources. Recommending the Hemp only from pure concentrate we have many medical providers and others that get tested regularly using this brand. Nature's ultra pain rub or drops (if regular relief desired) can have tremendous impact and help keep you up and running. Items: 3064
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