the library
"Life is a journey, not a destination.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Welcome to the Library,
your path to a healthier and abundant life starts here. You'll find all the member resources below to be both approachable and useful. We will be updating our articles & tools on a weekly basis so check back often!
Your Passport Benefits
Education & Research
Dilution Instructions
- Check directions for dilution or application on the back of each bottle
- Initial uses: dilute at least 1:1, EO:CARRIER
- Children: 1:8 | Infants (>6mos): 1:30 | Newborns (<6mos): Not recommended
EO | ½ oz | 15 | 250 | 3 | |
EO | Kit Size | 5 | 85 | 1 | |
EO | Travel Size | 2 | 34 | 34 | |
Roller Ball | ⅓ oz | 7.5 | 225 | 1.5 | 6 |
Glass Bottles | 2 oz | 60 | 1800 | 12 | 10-20 each EO |
Glass Bottles | 1 oz | 30 | 900 | 6 | 10 |
Pipette | 1 oz | 20 | 20 |
Quick Reference Chart
Headaches | Peppermint & PanAway | Sniff Peppermint, then apply PanAway or Peppermint to temple or base of skull |
Nausea | Peppermint or Aroma Ease EO | Sniff or apply to wrists, drop vitality in water or rub on gums |
Congestion | Lavender, Lemon & Peppermint | Combine in dropper or rollerball & apply to wrists, behind ears, or temples and inhale. |
Aches & Pain | PanAway or Frankincense, Copaiba and Wintergreen | Apply to site of pain with carrier oil (Makes a great roller ball) |
Skin Injury or Irritation |
Lavender | Apply neat or with coconut oil. |
Sore Throat |
Thieves & Lemon Vitality EOs | Mix with apple cider vinegar or salt water and gargle/swallow |
• If you have plant allergies, please research oils and avoid those that utilize plants you are allergic to. |
• If you have sensitive skin, start by diluting all oils until sensitivity is determined. |
• If sensitivity does occur dilute with additional carrier oil. |
• When adding oils to drinking water or when consuming, add 1 drop (to 1L) and use glass or stainless container. |
• Always store mixtures containing oils in glass containers. Oils pull toxins, especially citrus, whether your body or plastic. |
• Read dilution/administration instructions on each bottle. |
• If you have Epilepsy, avoid: Camphor, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Peppermint & Rosemary |
• For best results, alternate similar oils to prevent sensitization. |
• Essential Oils (EOs) in the Premium Starter Kit contain oils that are NOT RECOMMENDED to use during pregnancy: Peppermint, Thieves (Cinnamon bark, Clove, Rosemary), Stress Away (Cedarwood), PanAway (Wintergreen, Clove, Peppermint) * Please research further if pregnant or nursing. |
• Do not ingest (take internally) any essential oils if you are taking medications. Due to the effects some oils have on the liver, the uptake and elimination of medications may be altered. ALWAYS consult a physician before starting a new treatment. |
• YL Essential Oils are the purest and most potent on the market. Recipes from other sources are not interchangeable with Young Living oils. Please use caution if sharing information with friends using other companies. |
• Information is provided to empower you to best support your body. Research, evidence and experience drive the information. This information is not intended to be medical advice. You are responsible for use. |
• Have fun and experiment, and be sure to enjoy your new found health and wellness options. |
Safety Tips for Children
</td |
Oils for Complete Wellness
Awaken: Improve sensations, balance, concentration and energy. Decrease confusion, day dreaming and emotional recovery time. |
Endoflex: Great for hormone balance (apply over adrenals and thyroid) Helps with balancing mood, PMS, cramps, menopause, and much more! |
Copaiba: Anything inflamed or achy. |
DiGize: Upset stomach, nausea, gas, lymphatic draining, prostate decongestant, motion sickness. Great to incorporate with diet changes or detox. |
Balsam Fir: Fatigue, arthritis, back pain, stress (lowers cortisol) |
Cedar Wood: Regulates circadian rhythm, releases natural melatonin, sleep |
Carrot Seed: Kidney, skin, GI (constipation, diarrhea, gas, & colic), & Liver health |
Gentle Baby: Not just for babies! Stress relief, antidepressant, anxiolytic, acne/scarring, wrinkle reduction, hormone balance, sciatica |
Lemongrass: Improves circulation of lymph and blood, ligament strains, varicose veins, GI, bloating, fluid status and congestion |
Helichrysum: Support hearing, soothes nerves, assist clotting minor cuts, supports a healthy gallbladder |
Practical Applications
Lemon removes MOST stains (including blood and wine). |
A drop of Lavender or Purification on bug bites takes the itch & sting away |
Peppermint deters ants and fruit flies |
A drop of apple cider vinegar with dab of Honey & Lemon drop will boost your energy. |
A drop of Joy over your heart can boost your mood & sooth you. |
Peace & Calming works on nerves, muscles, belly, and mind. |
Lavender is the “swiss army knife” of EOs. Great for many needs. |
Headaches, rashes, and other negative reactions may be the release of toxins into the circulation. If the liver is not functioning effectively or the toxins overload it, “negative” reactions may occur also known as the detoxification process. |
Information provided here is based on research and experience with these plants and oils. Information is not intended to be medical advice. You are responsible for use. |
EO Quick Tips
- Citrus oils can enhance sun sensitivity. Do not apply prior to spending the day in the sun. *I find using the sugar scrub with orange oil the night before does not affect my sensitive skin, but use caution.
- When ingesting vitality essential oils, please do so out of stainless steel or glass water bottle to prevent leaching of chemicals from plastics.
- Storage of EO products should be in glass containers or plastic with the recycle grade 1 triangle!
- HOT hot hot! If feeling a burning sensation after applying an essential oil apply carrier oil, not water!!! (coconut oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, for example).
- Using EOs with your children? DILUTE DILUTE DILUTE. See our dilution chart in the library.
- Avoid Peppermint, Wintergreen, and Eucalyptus EO in children under 5 as a small percentage have a respiratory irritation.
- FEEL FREE! Educate yourself and then explore. Don’t be afraid to dilute less, dilute more, apply more often, etc.. as you find fit for your needs.
- What is a carrier oil? Any non-volatile, vegetable base oil such as coconut, grapeseed, olive, jojoba, etc…
- The quickest way to receive emotional support is to inhale inhale inhale inhale! We highly recommend 4x4x4 breathing! Check our our library to join us for a quick session. Double the effects by dropping an essential oil on your hands first!
- Fermented foods and drink help balance your pH and increase healthy gut biome.
- Reducing fragrances in your home can help reduce anxiety, lead to better sleep, and ease allergies.
- Stressed and need a reset button? Try our 4x4x4 breathing. Something magical happens! Join us in the library for a quick session.
- Structural integration practices such as Rolfing, chiropractic care, Pilates, and yoga improve alignment; which leads to better circulation, immunity, connection, and emotional wellness.
- You can support alignment, circulation, and muscles just by sitting on a ball or balance disc at your desk!
Essential Oil Education
Essential Oils: Making your investment worth it
The Evidence: Fad or Fabulous?
Brief history:
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their therapeutic effects on health, beauty, and emotions. Egypt is often credited as the birth place of essential oils with Frankincense being a sacred oil harvested there. Since the beginning of time resins and essential oils from varied plants have been utilized in skin & hair care, embalming ceremonies, regal ceremonies, for maternal support, stomach upset, pain and itching and so much more. In the 19th and 20th centuries oils were often used for flavoring in candies and foods, additives in natural remedies, components in perfumes, and as a component in over the counter treatments. Menthol, for instance, is used in many OTC remedies. Most companies now use a synthetic version (chemical structure) of the plant for cost savings and consistency. This trend began by Proctor and Gamble after WWII when many farms were destroyed and workers were unavailable. It is much cheaper and more reliable to produce menthol from petroleum products than to grown, harvest, and extract it from the Peppermint plant, which has led to this permanent change.
Why use essential oils?
When you think about essential oils, consider them as your first line of defense and support for your body. They do not replace western medicine, but they do provide amazing relief in the comfort of your own home for an incredible value.
Pure essential oils can have powerful effects on mood, hormones, pain perception, libido, and more. Adding them to your diet, your cleaners, your beauty products, and more allows you to free your home and body of the more than 60 toxins that fill our homes. Therapeutic grade essential oils also give you a tool set to support your body in amazing ways. In addition, you will find it relaxing and uplifting to diffuse or bathe in your favorite aromas.
How do essential oils work?
Essential oils are derived from the roots, bark, stems, flowers, and rinds of plants; and regarded as plant DNA. Even today our synthetic medications are often based off of the chemical structure of a plant. Many drugs used in my field of anesthesia are plant based. For instance atropine is derived from or copied from the Belladonna plant. Belladonna, a nightshade, is also an active ingredient in natural teething remedies.
Essential oils are accepted as adaptogens, meaning that they assist the body in adapting to stress; and promote proper function and response. Because they are plants your body accepts them rather than rejects/processes them as foreign body. They enhance your body's normal functions rather than create additional strain on your systems. Each plant, such as lavender, has its own chemical structure and terpenes lending it to specific therapeutic benefits. Therapeutic benefits are altered by growing conditions, climate, harvesting methods, and distillation techniques. This is why it is important to know where your essential oils come from, and how they are prepared. Pure essential oils are potent, and can be utilized in three ways. Always read the label for indicated use. To determine if you are using therapeutic grade essential oils that are reliable, consistent, and safe see the chart to the right for questions to ask about your essential oil company.
Aromatherapy: Terpenes are volatile substances that evaporate easily and are therefore rapidly taken up upon inhalation. Studies show effects can occur in less than 1 minute.
Topical application: takes 3-5minutes for onset and is uptaken by the cells.
Ingestion: Onset can be 15-20minutes but can have a more complete uptake by your system. Only recommended if oil is labeled as a dietary substance. Use caution if on medications as some oils can alter your metabolism and therefore decrease the effectiveness of medications.
How can essential oils be used?
MANY WAYS! From freeing your home of chemical cleaning compounds to enhancing a restful sleep thousands of people are enjoying the benefit of these oils today. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, have children, want to free your home of toxins and chemicals, work in stressful environments, or care about supporting your immune system than essential oils are for you! Utilizing nature's ingredients you can maintain balanced body systems, a healthy stress response, and normal sleep patterns. Learn how to support your body systems in a healthy way.
Once you get the hang of it you will find it is easy to utilize oils to benefit you and your loved ones!
Pure essential oils can be diffused (aromatherapy), applied topically, or ingested. Oils are often combined with carrier oils such as coconut, olive, or grape seed to dilute and apply to larger areas. Mixed with these plus other ingredients such as aloe, salts, and sugars, you can easily make your own beauty and health products. Likewise oils are great to dab or inhale on the go to decrease stress and improve mood. You will also find that homemade products such as bath salts and sugar scrubs make popular gifts!
If you choose to join the spOILed life you will have many resources at your fingertips to help you safely and effectively utilize your oils.
*Please use precautions with ingesting. They may alter the metabolism of any medication. Ingestion is not recommended for anyone taking medications, and only recommended when the label indicates safe for ingestion as dietary supplement. Always consult your physician. Information provided on this website is never intended as medical advice. While we try to provide as much information as possible to assist you on your journey, you are responsible for use. Please check back frequently as our website is constantly changing with the influx of new data and resources.
Our goal is to empower you with knowledge, so we will constantly be adding additional information pages!
Where to start?
Now that you have decided to use essential oils how do you know which ones to use?
While I was doing my research I used the following guide. I highly encourage you to ask these questions of any oil/company you are considering.
Why does it matter? Even if the essential oil claims to be pure it may not be a purely natural oil. Remember, they are not regulated by the FDA, so the claims are not substantiated. Oils can be a "pure" chemical replica of a plant and can be a blend of different plants (which changes its usefullness). Many companies run the plant through several distillations to create a larger product and produce cheaper oils. Just as with drinking alcohol this leads to contamination, dilution, and damage to the plant meaning they are unlikely to be therapeutic and may be harmful.
So again, please do your research! Questions to ask your essential oil representative:
- Do they own their own farms?
- Can you visit their farms?
- Do they regularly test in each stage of the growth, harvest, and distillation?
- Are they transparent with on-sight and third party GC testing?
- Are they first distillation?
- Are they labeled for ingestion?
- Are they organic? (no pesticides, no GMO, no synthetic replications)
- Are the plants grownin proper climate & grown for the full length of time needed to produce therapeutic results?
Five years ago, when I discovered the truth behind the products in my home, and I decided to start incorporating essential oils into our regimine I could only find one company that consistently met my standards for each of the above questions. In addition, Young Living was the only one that consistently contained what it claimed. For instance, other companies had three different kinds of lavender in their bottle, not just lavendula (more expensive to grow). This reduces the effectiveness for many uses. Some even had a touch of lavender in their peppermint, which also reduces the effectiveness of the peppermint; but also makes is smell sweeter and more aromatic. It is for this reason that I found a friend to show me how to order and utilize Young Living.
As for cost effectiveness?
Young Living's potency means I am utilizing just a drop where others are using 5-6. Ordering through their free wholesale account reduces the prices by 26% and ordering monthly gives me 25% back! So I get a customized box every month with all my wellness and household products infused with these amazing essential oils. YES you read that correctly, a total savings of 51%!! Find a local friend today, or join me in my journey by using my link!
CBD Education
In a fast-moving world overrun with easy to access information, it is hard to navigate the facts and decipher truth from fiction. Read below for the “cliffs notes” version of the facts on CBD so that you can make an educated decision on what is best for you and your family.
What is CBD?
CBD is a phytocannibinoid derived from the hemp plant that stimulates our endocannabinoid system, which is a regulatory/balancing system. CBD comes from hemp, which is referred to as a “cleansing plant,” meaning it both absorbs and cleanses what is in the soil. Hemp is a great plant to put in your garden to help cleanse your soil; however, this means that whatever the hemp absorbs from the soil will also make its way into to your CBD should you choose to utilize it. This is why it is imperative for you to know and understand the sourcing and farming practices associated with CBD prior to utilization of this plant.
How does CBD work?
THC was discovered in the 1940s, but CBD oil was more recently discovered. CBD can be derived from the THC or hemp portion of the plant.
- Hemp derived CBD activates our CBD2 receptors.
- We have CBD receptors (Cannabinoid) throughout our entire body.
- THC strongly binds to CBD1, effecting the central nervous system and producing the associated “high.”
- Hemp weakly binds to CBD1, and does not produce any of the effects of THC.
- In contrast, due to a single broken hydrogen branch, hemp strongly binds to CBD2 receptors which are part of your regulatory system. Activation creates balance in your stomach, intestines, sex organs, and more leading to more normal function of these organs.
- CBD2 receptors bind with endocannabinoids (produced by the body) and phytocannabinoids (produced by plants), It is actually this system that is responsible for producing the “runners high” recognized by many active individuals who regularly run for exercise.
- Binding of CBD to CBD2 receptors assists your body in maintaining homeostasis.
- Areas in need of balance will bind more quickly to CBD, customizing the experience for each person.
Types of CBD:
- Full Spectrum: CBD + THC
- Smart Spectrum: CBD + Terpines (essential oils) = Synergistic effects (enhanced)
- Isolate: Pure CBD (powder form reconstituted with an oil such as MCT
Results from using CBD will vary based on an individual’s needs and specific receptor availability. CBD works well with the GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) system, calming the sympathetic response, reducing anxiety, nervousness, and improving sleep and focus.
Regulation of the pain response, inflammatory and immune response, energy and metabolism, mood, and memory are some of the main tasks of these CBD 2 receptors. Our stress response and musculoskeletal system also contain CBD2 receptors.
It is possible to get an isolated, hemp derived CBD oil that only acts on CBD2 and will NOT create a positive blood test for THC. Again, another reason to be very cautious in which CBD you choose. Most companies do not have the resources to have a GC or appropriating testing equipment and have been found to have THC when they shouldn't. Some have even been noted to have illegal levels of THC. In addition they are unable to share what other chemical constituents may be found in their oil.
Hemp isolate needs a fatty oil for absorption and effectiveness, and MCT (medium chain triglyceride) is the most synergistic oil. Reconstitution with a fat such as MCT oil increases the absorption and efficacy of CBD. In addition, combining CBD + MCT + terpenes from other organic essential oils further increases your desired results.
Because of the lack of testing, lack of control, cleansing nature of hemp plant, variations of farming and extraction methods I HIGHLY recommend a pure powder form, CO2 extracted, and organically sourced CBD isolate or smart spectrum. In my research I have only found one farm that tests throughout all stages of farming, extraction, and bottling, utilized CO2 (to avoid chemical contaminates), is organically grown for both the CBD and Terpines, AND has the test results to support their claims.
To order through me and receive a discount, complimentary education, access to other wholesale wellness products, and an E-Consult CLICK HERE. Purchase "BASIC" wellness kit, click "add products", Nature's Ultra, and have fun shopping! Shoot me a message to let me know you are "on your way"! *Please note, if you have a Young Living account or were referred here by a friend please contact them for instructions and guidance on ordering! Thank you! We are still happy to have you as a follower and would love for you to purchase our passport, but we are here to support healthy lifestyles, not "steal" others business. We always recommend your order products through individuals you are able to get the most encouragement and support from!
Recommended Essential Oils for enhanced results:
Brain: Frankincense, Copaiba, Peppermint
Eyes: Ningxia, Clove, Copaiba
Heart/Circulation: Aromaease, Copaiba, Cinnamon
Stomach/Intestines: Digize, Peppermint, Orange
Skin: Lavender, Melrose, Frankincense
Bones/Joints: Panaway, Lemongrass, Copaiba
Reproductive: Copaiba, Lavender, Endoflex
Biliary system: Juvaflex, Peppermint, Lemon
Research Guide
Research: Decifering real v fake
Thousands of research articles have been publish with regard to efficacy of essential oils for many different situations. Each oil has a unique structure and interacts with our own chemistry differently. Each essential oil having different and multiple chemical constituents leads to varied uses. These chemical constituents may be altered by the growing environment, harvesting and distillation methods, which will alter their therapeutic benefits. Also, different strains of the same plant can render very different therapeutic benefits or no benefit at all. Remember, essential oils (extracted from different components of plants) have been used for thousands of years. Hundreds of articles exists in and pubmed. These articles are not being posted to insinuate any medical treatment or as proof of efficacy. These articles are merely for your reference and education. Remember, being published does not make the results any article true. If you would like information on how to evaluate research articles read the next tab in our library.
RESEARCHING: A few quick tips
- Look for reliable sites: PubMed,,,
- Check the "N" number: This is the number of participants in the study. A statistically relevant study will have a 100+
- Read their discussion to reveal bias, errors, and questions that arose from the study.
For instance: do they have financial backing, a relationship with a product or competition, personal investment, or possibly just a poorly designed study. - Review their methods and look for obvious bias or holes in the study.
- Look to see if they are sponsored or receiving financial support from a company or single source.
- Literature reviews are excellent because they compile a large number of similar studies. Look for "Cochran reviews". However, remember that it could be a compilation of poor studies.
Warning signs:
- Very low "N" number
- Author draws direct correlation without statistically relevant numbers.
- Author draws direct correlation without additional questions and recommendations for improvement on the study.
- Author is financially sponsored.
- Methods do not have a control group.
Remember to always refer to your physician with any medical diagnosis, for a medical plan, or when you start a new regimen.
This information is compiled for you to make an educated decision for your friends and family.
From my senior thesis from my first BS to current research, sunscreen and skin protection has always been a passion of mine. Absorption of Vitamin D is very important for this southern girl. May you utilize this information to help you and your friends make wiser choices.
UVA characteristics:
Penetrate deeper
Responsible for dark "sun spots" and aging.
Linked to squamous cell and basil cell carcinomas
Can penetrate clouds, and is not dependent upon weather.
UVB characteristics:
Penetrate only the epidermis
Responsible for most red burns
Used to be thought as the cause for all cancers
Varies depending on weather, time of day, pollution, etc..
SPF: Sun Protection Factor
Definition - gives you "x" time longer in the sun than you normally could be without burning.
Example: If you normally burn in 10 minutes and you use an spf of 10 you can stay in the sun ten times longer or 100minutes! Then you need to reapply or cover up! An spf 70 provides 70 times longer protection, NOT deeper protection. So do you really need an spf 70? If you burn in 10 minutes, do you really need coverage for 700 minutes?
Often people feel the higher the SPF, the better, right?
Detriments of the wrong sunscreen:
-No Vitamin D absorption
-Exposure to chemicals (inhaled and absorbed)
-Exposure to heavy metals
-Possible cancer risk
- Methyl Parabens
- Nano minerals
- Benzo-Phenones
- Heavy metals
*Remember: as I always say, your skin is your largest organ designed to protect you. If your skin is compromised (burns, scratches, injury your body is more exposed to all illness.
Most sunscreens are formulated to protect against UVB only.
This allows harmful UVA to p
High SPF is not necessarily better. You should never need to be in the sun 100 times your burn factor anyway.
High SPF sunscreens:
Tend to only block UVB
Tend to block all Vitamin D
Do not protect UVA
Are high in heavy metals or chemicals
Do not have long term studies show efficacy and safety.
Utilizing lower, balanced Sunscreens:
Look for balance:
UVA & UVB Coverage
Non-nano Zinc
Natural oils
Therapeutic grade essential oils (Carrot Seed EO, Myrhh, Lavender)
Aerosols: PSA
I typically focus on what TO DO, but in this case I feel the need for a PSA. PLEASE drop the spray on sun screens. I know it is easy, and often very affordable. When you do the math though on how they last my recommendations below are actually more affordable, obviously safer for you, and also won't make your asthmatic friends at the pool have an attack. The chemicals in these are bad enough when absorbed through your skin, but inhaled are bad for every system in your body! We have all either been the ones coughing or heard everyone coughing when the spray down begins. Why do you think everyone holds their breath and shuts their eyes? Read that label.
Coconut oil also provides a natural blockade (Unfractionated) due to some of its fatty acid chains. Up to 20% blockade of rays (not 20 spf). This is why you will find many combine coconut oil with their proprietary blend.
Did you know that lower, broad spectrum SPF, still blocks 90% of the rays v 96 of SPF50?
Remember it is a time factor not intensity factor.
This will reduce your risk of cancer from UVA, UVB, AND chemicals as well as allow you to get your vitamin D!!!!!
1. DIY: Our oldest has only used my DIY skin protection recipe. Bonus to this choice is that it feels great reapplying after sand exposure. (found in the library)
2. Non-nano, clean, mineral sunscreen like this one. One bottle lasts a full season for my fishing husband and active daughter. Plus, it doesn't leave them it white. It rubs in nicely and moisturizes the skin.
3. For day to day I recommend the men utilize our DIY as a lotion. For the women utilization of our DIY sunscreen or a product called Sheerlume as a "primer" is an excellent way to protect each day. In addition, utilization of a clean mineral make-up provides amazing coverage. After trying many organic lines and "safe" lines I was highly disappointed in performance, options, and cost. I was a Laura Mercier user for years. Thankfully Savvy Minerals has been released. They are sourced responsibly, clean, affordable, and actually really really good for skin. My skin is better than ever utilzing their product. Just their primer and a light brush of mineral powder keeps my skin protected and nourished with ease!
To get vitamin D and avoid carcinogens I recommend using no higher than spf50.
So whether you mix up our daily skin balm or your order Young Living's new FDA approved sunscreen #swapitout today!
#spoiledlife #thisforthat #wellnesswithin #summerofoils2017 #sunscreen#skinprotection #cancersucks
My Favorite Swaps
My Favorite Swaps
When it comes to showcasing products, I wanted to show you ones that I know to be safe & effective as well as a good value.
My Preferred Products
We all appreciate a good value and products that will make our lives easier. These are some of my favorite ways to save, relax and reset!
Let me take care of the expensive and frustrating product trials! These are my trusted sources after many wasted products and money.
To help me continue to bring you fresh content, new resources, and the best products I have partnered with some of these companies to either receive a discount or earn a commission. I appreciate you shopping through me and supporting my small business and family!
Click here for more information on these vendors and our other partners.
Open your wholesale account and start swapping today!

Get your first year half off by using this link and start saving today!

Use my Referral Code: yq-886169 and enjoy the float experience!
Healthy Habit Guide
Essential Oils for Mental Health
Awaken: Improve sensations, balance, concentration and energy. Decrease confusion, day dreaming and emotional recovery time. |
Valor: Rub on jaw line, wrists, heart to increase confidence and sense of grounding. |
Copaiba: Rub on gums daily to support inflammation caused by stress. |
Stress Away: Used daily this blend may help balance cortisol levels and your stress response. |
Peace & Calming: Utilize along jaw line, wrists, and heart to calm your sympathetic response, reduce anxieties, & experience deeper sleep. |
Believe: Add to diffuser at night or rub on wrists or diffuser jewelry to experience positive dreams and thoughts. |
JuvaFlex: Rub over liver daily or drop in tea or on gums (vitality oil) to reduce irritability and feel less stressed. |
Valerian root blends: For the ultimate relief from anxieties, trauma, loss, fear choose a blend with Valerian root in it. (T-Away, Trauma Life, RutaVala). This oil can help you move through difficult experiences or times in life. |
Super B + gut protocol: If you experience generalized anxiety try our gut protocol. When our gut is disrupted or inflammed and unable to properly absorb vitamins and minerals that can lead to anxiety, foggy brain, and so much more! |
Gratitude Practice
Practicing gratitude has been shown to change the areas and manner our brain fires. By incorporating gratitude each day you will discover a different perspective, attitude, and reaction to people and events. For best results practice in the morning.
1. Recognize you have a choice. You can choose to look at the positive in each situation or the negative. You can choose to be a victim of circumstances or be empowered to choose how to handle it and walk through it.
2. Before starting place a drop of Abundance, Acceptance, Frankincense, Present Time, or Joy in your palm and take two deep cleansing breaths with it. Aromatherapy activates the limbic system and will allow you to release anything holding you back and move forward.
3. Write or speak outloud 5 things you are thankful for. Writing them allows you to track your progress and really see how this practice has changed your life.
This may be as simple as "I am thankful for a safe place to live". "I am thankful I have a job" which may prevent you from feeling overwhelmed or dread headed into work.
4. Repeat during the day if you find yourself in a rut and feeling down about something.
5. Complete daily. That's it! With this simple simple practice you can change your outlook and outcomes!
*When this practice changes your life we would be honored if you would tag us in your story on social media @spoiledlife4u #gratitudepractice
Breathing exercise
Breathing is essential to life.
Unfortunately our instinct when we are stressed, afraid, anxious is to hold our breath or breathe shallow. It is actually the opposite of what our body needs. Incorporating a breathing practice helps us reduce stress, improve oxygen and blood flow, and is a great coping skill to teach others in your family or circle of influence.
I love to place a drop of therapeutic essential oils into the palm of my hand and inhale the aroma as I breathe in. Aromatherapy stimulates the limbic system and allows for meotional and hormonal release and changes. Choose what speaks to you that day or type in a key word in search bar (anxiety, stress, fear, sadness or the opposites joy, calm, peace). My favorites are Believe, Joy, Orange, Valor, Magnify Your Purpose, and Abundance)
Physiologic Effects of Deep Breathing
- Slows our heart rate
- Improves oxygenation to organs
- Improves circulation
- Improves focus / concentration
- Improves sleep/ insomnia
- Reduced pain
Method: 4x4x4x4
- Can be done anywhere, but if you have a quiet, happy place go there.
- Sit or stand with your feet flat on the floor or in a criss cross.
- Take 2 slow deep cleansing breaths from your belly, to your chest, and then to your clavical.
- 4x4x4x4. Repeat the following process 4 times
- Breathe in slowly for 4 seconds through nose from belly to clavical
- Hold the breath for 4 seconds
- Breathe out for 4 seconds through your mouth
- To increase positive effects incorporate your gratitude practice. Breathe in what you are thankful for and breathe out/release negative thoughts. Choose to let those go and focus on what you have to be grateful for.
Prayer/ Practice of Abundance
Abundance Prayer
Living in a mindset of abundance, having more than we need, rather than fear is powerfully empowering. Great FREEDOM can come from a mindset of abundance. Reciting this or a similar prayer each day will increase your mindfullness of your own opportunity. Focusing on what you CAN do and OPPORTUNITIES in front of you will increase positive thoughts and change your perspective, which is POWERFUL. Then you will find more positive things begin to happen. You will likely find yourself making many more good, small decisions daily that lead you towards abundance and longevity. Just try it. Again this takes just a few minutes before bed or on the way in to work. You can even record it on your voice memo and listen to yourself!
Dear God,
Change me into someone who can give with ease and abundance knowing that you provide all that I need. That You are unlimited in your resources of gratitude, love, grace, mercy, wealth, health, and all that I need.
Allow me to be a vector for your goodness, prosperity, and generosity.
Let me trust that my own needs are met in amazing ways, in Your time, and it is safe to give freely as my heart guides me. Let me know my own value, beauty, and worthiness without question or excuse. Let me understand that You have designed me uniquely with special gifts and talents I am meant to share.
Let me feel worthy to also receive in every way. Change me into someone who can feel completely free and open to receiving. Help me to remember that often receiving is allowing someone else to bless by giving and deepends relationships. I must be able to give and to receive.
Let me extend kindness to all who need it, seeing each as a person, an individual. Help to feel and extend compassion and understanding in even difficult situations. Help me to see into their eyes and heart.
Change me into a person who can fully love, forgive, and accept myself so that I can carry your light and help others to do the same.
I will let everything that needs to go, go so that I do not hinder your work and gifts.
I will let everything that needs to come, come.
All is well in You.
Recipes for Toxin-Free Living
Recipe Color Chart

Wellness Articles

Return to Abundance – Walk it off
How do we counter these inevitable triggers and avoid illness and emotional disturbances? See Novembers ... read more

Bump the Blue Light
This month tune in to the zone to figure out how to manage stress and sleep better. Today one simple habit read more

Breath is Life
This month tune in to the zone to figure out how to manage stress and sleep better. Today one simple habit read more

Rest & Digest
This month tune in to the zone to figure out how to manage stress and sleep better. read more

This month tune in to the zone to minimize the impact of those nasty viruses and make the most out of this read more

Reduce sugar during sugar season?!?
This month tune in to the zone to minimize the impact of those nasty viruses and make the most out of this read more

Welcome to low vitamin D, high stress, high sugar season. Whoops, I mean cold and flu season
This month tune in to the zone to minimize the impact of those nasty viruses and make the most out of this read more

7 Keystone Habits for Health & Happiness
Incorporate these 7 habits for health and happiness! read more

Giving from the heart
Create your own signature gifts that will infuse joy in those you care for this holiday season! read more

(F)all things comforting…
Find comfort without the negative impacts of those comforting fall foods, fragrances, and fun. read more

We did it!
Join me to implement some tools that will help us walk through this unique post election environment. read more

Speaking of risk reduction…
Join me to learn a little more about the big "C", your risks, and steps you can take to reduce those. read more

“D”efficiency or “D”light?
Discover what we need vitamin D for and how we can keep a steady level for optimal health and cellular function! read more

Flu season is upon us, or is it?
Tune in for some habits and tips that will keep you healthy and up for all the fun this fall. read more

Discover ways to support yourself or a loved experiencing an exceptionally disturbing event, trauma. read more

Things that make you go hmmm…
Join us to discover simple ways you can optimize your brain function for a happier, healthier, more ... read more

Navigating the new normal
Join us for evidenced based ways to reduce our risks, support our community, and live abundantly as school read more

Masks, sanitize, distance, self-care?
Masks, sanitizer, distancing are not our greatest tools when fighting COVID-19 or any virus. read more

Men’s Health 102
Discover a few tools that help men live an abundant life in health and success. read more

Carrying Forward
From physical health to the health of our communities join us for some habits we are keeping to be our ... read more

A Moment of Silence
Let's take a moment of silence, and discover what we can do to better our nation! read more

Beyond Kegels for pelvic floor strength
Discover the tools you need for abundant and joyful living during our month devoted to all things women. read more

Do you feel upside down a few days a month?
Discover the tools you need for abundant and joyful living during our month devoted to all things women. read more

ALLLLLL Things Women
Discover the tools you need for abundant and joyful living during our month devoted to all things women. read more

The Masked Momma
Discover how to stay healthy moving forward, and when and why you should be wearing a mask. read more

What’s bugging you?
Join us for easy ways to protect your skin while nourishing your mind and body with extra Vitamin D read more

Swimsuits or PJs?
Join us for easy ways to protect your skin while nourishing your mind and body with extra Vitamin D read more

Sun, Skin, & Sanity
Join us for easy ways to protect your skin while nourishing your mind and body with extra Vitamin D read more

Season of Hope
April is a season of birth, regeneration, and hope. Never underestimate the power of a seed planted ... read more

Connecting during Isolation
Try these simple steps and tools to stay in touch, enhance your relationships, and deepen your ... read more

Pain: from sitting, from exercising, from isolating
So now most of us are officially spending our time home what can we do to support our mind and bodies? A ... read more

Health Support at Home
So now most of us are officially spending our time home what can we do to support our mind and bodies? A ... read more

In the Best of Times, in the Worst of Times
Should you still go to the gym when a pandemic has been declared? Should we even work out? See what our ... read more

Goal Getter
Are you a goal getter? Can you visualize your success? Don't be like over 80% of American and abandon ... read more

Agape Skin Care
When focusing on the verb form of LOVE gift giving is an important part of that. Join us for our favorite ... read more

Agape gifts – Acts of Love
When focusing on the verb form of LOVE gift giving is an important part of that. Join us for our favorite ... read more

Actionable love towards ourselves and others – AGAPE
Exercise of the Month helps you build strength, confidence, discipline, balance, and more. Join us each ... read more

Word, Word, Word of the Year…
Exercise of the Month helps you build strength, confidence, discipline, balance, and more. Join us each ... read more

Exercise of the month: squats
Exercise of the Month helps you build strength, confidence, discipline, balance, and more. Join us each ... read more

Wellness Reset & Biohacking
You can choose your state of being. It may just be time for a reset. read more

Insider tips to good dental check-ups!
Maybe you want to try CBD, but are unsure if it will make you “pop positive” for THC or will even prove ... read more

Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice..What does your home smell like?
Nothing says fall more than the aroma of pumpkin and spice! Whether you look for the day the pumpkin latte read more

Easy, healthy, and affordable meals.
Easy, healthy, AND affordable eats for any age and family. Download our pantry swaps and grocery lists to read more

Blue Light: Impact and Solutions
Blue light is a shorter wavelength light, emitted largely from our electronic devices, which scatters ... read more

Fast and Furious – Rise of CBD Cannabinoids
Maybe you want to try CBD, but are unsure if it will make you “pop positive” for THC or will even prove ... read more

Two Week Gluten Free Meal Plan
As always information is research based, evidence supported, and experience proven - provided for you to ... read more

Should We Be Gluten Free
As always information is research based, evidence supported, and experience proven - provided for you to ... read more

Time to Detox and Clean the System
As always information is research based, evidence supported, and experience proven - provided for you to ... read more

Antioxidants, ORAC, Oxidative stress? Is your head spinning yet?
We all know vitamin C and Vitamin D can help reduce incidence of length of illness, however we often ... read more

Rapid recovery from hot days, tired muscles, strains & pains
Well, it is finally warm outside... Which means more sports, more gardening, more physical activity in ... read more

Successful Workouts and Happy Bodies
How do we support are bodies as we start a new routine, push for bigger results or go for that next big ... read more

Tips for stronger structure and healthier you
A good, strong structure is one of the 4 pillars of health. A strong structure leads to core strength, ... read more

Endocrine Disruptors
Did you know the air INSIDE our home is likely more polluted than anywhere else? How can we improve ... read more

Improving indoor air quality
Did you know the air INSIDE our home is likely more polluted than anywhere else? How can we improve ... read more

Spring Cleaning
6 tasks, 6 hours, over 6 days... Done! So how does that sound? Whether you knock out these 6 hours in one ... read more

Lets talk about Bleach, baby!
Chlorine Bleach is not the only option to effectively rid your home of potentially dangerous pathogens. ... read more

Rest & Digest – Sleep tight or sleep light?
How many of us have a hard time shutting off the brain? Or wake up or toss around all night? We wake up ... read more

Let’s talk about stress baby
Our bodies are incredibly made! When we face challenges our bodies elicit a stress response, releasing ... read more
Wellness Protocols
These protocols are not to diagnose or treat. Each protocol provides simple steps to support your body's natural abilities in each situation. Following the protocols will lead to less illness, more rapid recover, and reduced severity of symptoms.
*Please note: I absolutely am not diagnosing, treating, or curing. If you have hit your head you should see a physician. Go immediately to the ER if you experience blurred vision, nausea or vomiting, or sudden sleepiness.
These are merely protocols that will help your body do what it is already designed to do.
GOALS: reduce stimulus, rest brain, and decrease inflammation.
- No electronics until pain is gone. As in no TV, ipad, phone screens, etc…
- Wear sunglasses 24-48 hours unless sleeping (yes, even indoors)
- With every trauma the gut shuts down for 24-72 hrs.
- No sugars
- Add in high fats and protein
- Add Life 9 or Mighty pro probiotic/prebiotic
- Utilize these oils for additional support:
- Copaiba rubbed on gums or rubbed on temples
- Frankincense dropped on head, rubbed on back of neck (C-Spine)
- May sub Geneyus
- PanAway on temples or area of pain.
- Trauma Life to wrists and back of neck 1-2 times a day.
- Supplement with MindWise or OmegaGize for 30 days
- Mark calendar at 3, 6 and 9 months to check for behavioral, emotional or learning differences
- Return to school or work when able to read without pain.
Return to sports when a slow jog or rapid sprint are painless.
FEVER: A Body's Response to an Invader
*Please note: I absolutely am not diagnosing, treating or curing. Please call your physician immediately for an appointment.
In the meantime, you can support your body’s immune response with the following. Our bodies mount a fever to kill off foreign invaders. I usually let my kids work through their fevers up to 103.5. Physiologically, cellular damage and seizure does not usually occur until 105.5 - 107. Also remember that as the bad germs dissipate, symptoms can begin to resolve, but we must remain diligent in supporting our bodies for 2 weeks.
GOALS: Support normal immune response to normal invaders. Reduce aches and pains associated with fevers, and help replenish electrolytes and minerals.
1. Replace electrolytes, amino acids, and minerals (zinc) with AminoWise (Young Living). TIPS: When stomachs are upset try making popsicles with this. Our stomach tolerates the slow sip a lot easier sometimes. Add a drop of Peppermint Vitality EO to the mix to calm the stomach down quicker.
2. Antioxidants: Get your antioxidants. After trying a lot of different foods and supplements, the most effective and cost efficient is Young Living Ningxia Red. 1ounce 1-2 times/day. Super C by Young Living is also an excellent choice. See my other blogs and posts as to how antioxidants work.
3. Probiotics: See my many other posts and blogs as to how our gut harnesses our immune system and greatly effects our physical and mental health. Again, after trying and researching many my favorite are Mighty Pro for kids or adults (pre and probiotic and antioxidant in a xylitol pack) and Life 9 for adults and pets. Many physicians and pharmacists on my team use these in their families too.
4. Remember the old days of chicken noodle soup for illness? What was so magical about it? HOME MADE BONE BROTH! Yep, a good bone broth. Drink 1/4-1/2 c. Bonus if you make your own and add Thyme or Oregano vitality EO to it! I make Gluten free Ramen noodles in the bone broth with Redmons real salt and a drop of Thyme and we all slurp it up. My girls call it “feel better noodles”.
5. Detox: Epsom salt soaks (feet or bath) really help the body detox and relax the muscles. Pour 1/2 cup of epsom salt in bottom of basin, drop 2 drops Frankincense and 2 drops lemon or Thieves EO on the salt and run warm water over. Soak 15-20 minutes. For added detox add 1/4 Raw apple cider vinegar (ACV) or just soak feet in before bed. For ACHES/PAINS add 2 drops of PanAway EO blend or Rub Young Living Pain cream on achy areas and back of neck.
6. Essential oils: Roll back of neck (C-Spine) with 1 part Thieves EO, 1 part Lemon EO, and 1 part Carrier oil 4 times a day. May rub arm pits with a diluted peppermint and lemon at highest point of fever. Rub Digize oil blend over belly button or Digize vitality over gums.
7. Many studies suggests that all illness are related to the following: Low body frequency (poor cellular communication), Low D3, and low mineral levels. This protocol covers 2/3. For D3 Biotics suspension is amazing or MindWise by Young Living. We take MindWise daily and keep Biotics on hand.
CUT all dairy (pro-inflammatory) and added sugars. Use honey only. No processed foods and sugars either. Sugar and dairy feed the bad germs, so if you want them to go away, quit feeding them.
Ear Ache
*Please note: I absolutely am not diagnosing, treating, or curing. Please call your physician immediately for an appointment.
In the meantime, you can support your body’s immune response with the following.
GOALS: reduce ear pain and congestion.
- Flush: 1/3-1/2 peroxide and the rest distilled or boiled and cooled water. Flush 2-3 drops up to 4 times daily. Follow each flush with one drop of organic olive oil. This creates an environment difficult for bacteria to live in. (ENT recommended). DO NOT STICK ANYTHING INSIDE THE EAR.
- Immune support: Roll on a Thieves essential oil blend or Purification blend on the bone BEHIND the ear 4 times/day x 1-2 weeks (no matter the symptoms).
- Cut the sugars (as in no added sugars and processed foods with sugar) Use raw local honey where needed.
- Cut the dairy.
- Drink lots of water.
- KIDS: Follow above but also consider suction of nose if congestion is present.
Upcoming surgery? Would like to support your body’s natural healing process?
Follow these steps for quicker recovery. You may even find you want to incorporate some into your daily routine for glowing skin, strong immunity, healthy GI function, etc.
GOALS : Increase body frequency, decrease free radicals & increase antioxidant levels, support healthy immune response, manage stress and rest.
- Two Weeks Prior:
- Take 1 ounce Ningxia Red antioxidant drink daily
- Stop alcohol intake
- Increase water intake to a minimum of 1/2 ounce of water / pound of body weight.
- Rub Copaiba EO & Frankincense EO (1 drop each) on gums or back of neck nightly.
- Probiotic (Life 9 or mighty pro) daily
- Apply Stress Away EO blend to wrists 1-3 times daily.
- The Day Before Surgey:
- Hydrate
- Continue above
- Apply Valor EO blend to jaw line and back of neck.
- SLEEP: Apply Peace and Calming EO, Tranquil EO, or Rutavala EO to big toe, temples, wrists for a good nights rests or anxious thoughts and feelings as needed.
- Immediately After Surgery
(meaning as soon as you are recovered enought o eat and drink and see care to some extent)- Diffuse: Lavender 4 drops and Thieves EO blend 2-3 drops for rest and immunity. Alternatives: Roll on blend of Lavender, Thieves,
- Stress: apply Stress Away to wrists and neck as needed. Consider my calming roller ball blend: 10 drops Lavender, 5 drops lavender, 10 drops Frankincense, 10 drops Peace & Calming in 5 ml roller ball with carrier oil.
- Keep Deep relief and Cool Azul or joint blends at bedside. (do not apply to incisions). These are excellent for headaches and positional discomforts)
- Hydrate: Drink extra water. Consider drops of Citrus or Peppermint vitality EO to support gut function and immunity and detox from anesthesia.
- After Care:
- DETOX: support liver and kidneys to recover from anesthesia and surgical stress quicker. Drink Lemon or Peppermint Vitality EO in water. Rub Juvaflex over liver each day. Salt soak or roll on: Geranium, Lemon, and Thieves EO. Salt soak - 2 drops each. Roll on - 10 drops each. Eat a healthy diet with fermented foods, kombucha, garlic, kale. Drink my Wellness Tea recipe daily.
- Discomforts: See my Comfort Blend or Joint ointment for positional aches and pains. Do not rub EOs on incision site, but feel free to rub in areas around that may be achy. Epsom salt soak: 1/2 c epsom salts with 4 drops Pan Away and 2 drops Peace & Calming - soak 15-20minutes.
- Incisions - Lavender over incision if exposed. After closure, Frankincense rubbed twice daily will improve appearances and feel of incision.
- Copaiba EO - Rub on gums morning and evening or on back of neck.
- GUT Health: Continue probiotic times 2 weeks minimum. Drink Lemon & Peppermint EOs in water, Apply Digize EO blend to belly button 1-2 times daily.
- Sleep: Continue same as day before & see sleep protocol
- Stress: Continue
Consider Biotics D3 (natural pharmacy) and Mineral Essence by Young Living
Sleep - who hasn’t had sleep issues? Whether it is getting to sleep, staying asleep, or having happy sleep we have all had sleep issues of some sort or another.
GOALS: get to sleep in less than 15 minutes, stay asleep minimum of 6 hours, and have restful, peaceful sleep. Again, see blogs for the "why" behind the protocols.
- Turn off all electronics minimum of 20 minutes prior to bed. Do not have electronics in bed.
- Spend 5-20 minutes prior to bed in an activity that brings peace and alignment: meditation, reading, stretching, simple pilates or yoga, (see studio for additional ideas).
- Diffuse: See diffuser recipes for specifics.
- Lavender (takes the edge off)
- Cedarwood (deeper sleep, melatonin support, and dreams)
- Believe (happy dreams)
- Valor (confidence)
- Peace & Calming (deeper, calm sleep)
- White Angelica (positive thoughts)
- 4x4x4 breathing for 3 minutes prior to rest with some of the oils mentioned above.
- For deeper sleep support rub Rutavala (or any Valerian blend) EO blend on big toe
- Drink water throughout the day, but not right before bed.
- Try not to eat after 9pm. Certainly no sugar.
- Reduce sugars to <50g/day for adults and <25g/day for kids (read labels).
Travel - something you can pay for and become richer! Whether your idea of travel is the next city over or clear across the world, traveling is exciting, educational, adventuresome.
Travel can also lead to increase stress (even if from a good source), poor food choices, and interrupted sleep patterns.
GOALS: Support your immune system, cortisol levels, and sleep/rest patterns to stay healthy and enjoy every minute!
- Before you go: Get the right tools
- Denner roll (or other alignment tool).
- Neck rest for the plane or car
- Comforting wrap or jacket that can double as a blanket.
- En Route:
- Rub on -Just before flying or traveling in crowded spaces rub a blend of coconut oil and Clove EO or Thieves EO in both nares. (protects the mucosa & prevents pathogens)
- Carry on Thieves or homemade immune spray (spray inside cheeks & any surfaces needing sanitizing)
- Roll on Stress Away EO blend on neck.
- Inhale or drop Peppermint EO on wrists if prone to nausea.
- Upon arrival:
- Spray sheets and surfaces with Thieves & Immune spray.
- Set up diffuser with Thieves or Citrus Fresh and Lavender EO (to return to clean and relaxing room - spa like)
- Get out your alignment tool and take 3-5 minutes to reset your system.
- For extra support in unexpected situations.
- Tummy support: Digize or Aromaease EO & Essentialzyme 4 (to ease digestion and normalize gut)
- Anxiety/Stress/Sleep: Tranquil EO roll on, Peace & Calming EO roll on. *Rutavala - stinky but most potent option.
- Lavender EO - swiss army knife (cuts, burns, skin dryness, etc..)
- Copaiaba - inflammation, bumps and bruises, & congestion.
- Deep Relief - for headaches ,aches & pains of travel.
- 4x4x4 breathing for 3 minutes is always a great go-to reset when stressful moments arise.
- Carry your own stainless water bottle to refill and add EOs like peppermint and citrus - boosts immunity and supports your tummy.
- Bento box or easy snacks like beef jerky, protein bars, nut packs, etc.. Keeps cravings at bay and helps when travel times are odd.
Trauma is described as an exceptionally disturbing event; and can be due to repeated negative experiences (hospitalizations, illnesses, abuse, etc..), acute loss of a loved one, a birth that didn’t go as planned, a natural disaster, sudden change in home/security, or any event that leaves you feeling powerless and defeated. Experiencing a trauma (physical or emotional) impacts us in every way.
Symptoms you may experience after a trauma include increased heart rate or palpitations, chest tightness, increased blood pressure and blood sugars, anger, rage, agitation, increased startle reflex (jumpiness).
Unaddressed trauma can lead to chronic physical problems such as compromised immunity, aches and pains, depression and anxiety, addition, numbness, chronic fatigue. This is due to increased release of our bodies fight or flight hormones such as cortisol, corticosteroids, and leptin. Our sympathetic system (fight or flight) is always on and our parasympathetic (rest and digest - and recover) system doesn’t get a chance to work.
Unaddressed trauma can also lead to negative behavioral and emotional pathways that become chronic after 6 weeks. After 6 weeks additional work is needed to “reset” those pathways.
Following are the tools I utilize to support my body and work through it. Remember, trauma often changes us. Our goal is that it makes it stronger, more empathetic, and more true rather than causing us to withdraw and be numb. See my IGTV for my full story with regards to trauma.
Acute trauma:
- Deep breathing practice: 4x4x4 breathing stimulates the limbic system and resets/ reduces the stress hormones.
- Complete every morning while praying/meditating, every evening before bed, and as needed during the day.
- Drop Valor, Release, or Believe in your hand and cup over nose and mouth prior to each breath.
- Gratitude Practice (can start when stabilized)
- List (out loud or on paper) 3-5 gratitudes which are things, character strengths, people, or places you are thankful for.
- Complete every morning to reset perception and improve how you interact with others and challenges.
- Utilize as needed throughout day to shift mindset and thought processes. I use this with my kids when they whine or complain and still practice this daily.
- Immune Support: Trauma taxes our immune systems tremendously. Support it. See our wellness protocol which is a part of every day life for us now.
- Ningxia is a favorite and has kept me healthy through years of difficulty. Power packed with multiple types of antioxidants, including clove, it will help deter the negative affects of stress. Take daily.
- Aminowise is an excellent choice also as it contains, zinc, trace minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids.
- Short term Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Immupro are powerhouses for our bodies, helping to promote good cellular function at times of increased need.
- Oil Support:
- Valor on jaw line and wrists twice a day and as needed for grounding and surety.
- Joy or Believe diffused or dropped on wrists and rubbed over heart.
- Stress Away daily on wrists and chest/neck.
- Bedtime: Trauma Life or Rutavala or T-Away on back of neck at least every night before bed. Valor on jaw line. Believe, Lavender, and Joy or Orange in diffuser.
- As needed: Peace and calming throughout day and before bed as needed to calm anxieties and encourage deep breathing.
6 weeks after trauma: If trauma persists or has gone unaddressed complete the above suggestions PLUS:
- Rub release over liver and add a drop to whatever diffuser combination you are running.
- Consider EFT (tapping) to reset emotional responses to stimuli or difficult situations.
- Consider AFT with a therapist to help you move THROUGH and PROCESS the emotions, opening your mind to knew perspectives and processes and releasing the stress from your body.
- Physical release: trauma takes a physical toll on our bodies. Consider yoga, pilates, chiropractic care, Rolfing to help realign your body, improve blood flow and waste elimination, decrease any pains and discomforts, and improve awareness.
- Supplements: Chronic release of stress hormones can deplete our endocrine and adrenal systems. (Or up regulate them)
- If you have trouble getting up, feel fatigued constantly, struggle to find the joy and energy try Powergize every night for 2-4 weeks.
- If you have faster heart beats, are jumpy, and have a racing mind consider cortistop for 2 weeks or less.
Consistent use of the essential oils and incorporation of these healthy habits will reset the pathways your body learns and will allow your nervous, immune, endocrine systems to function normally again and you to feel like your best self again.
GOALS: To stay ABOVE the wellness line. Support normal immune response and healthy gut. While we will always be exposed to “bad germs”, we can help our bodies take care of them quicker. You may find symptoms from common pathogens to be less severe and the process to be shorter.
You can find details about each of the foundations in my blogs or on my Facebook page
- Increase pH
- Increase body frequency
- ORAC (antioxidant/free radical) balance
- Healthy gut
- Healthy oxygenation
- Healthy Liver function (our primary filter)
- Feed the cells properly
- Daily wellness tea (see recipes) or fermented foods and drink.
- Probiotic: Life 9 or Mighty Pro by Young Living
- 1 ounce/day Ningxia red (instead of an apply a day or an extra cup of coffee)
- Frankincense or Idaho Blue Spruce EO on back of neck daily
- Keep sugars <50g/day for adults and <25g/day for kids
- Reduce processed foods
- Incorporate good fats daily (avocados, coconut oil, nuts, etc…)
- Swap it out: Eliminate fragrances from your home (candles, plug-ins, dryer sheets, febreeze and other aerosols). They tax the immune and nervous systems. Use diffusers and therapeutic essential oils instead. Consider replacing toxic cleaners and other products as well.
- WATER WATER WATER: Drink 1/2 ounce of water for each pound of body weight daily. Add Vitality essential oils such as Peppermint, spearmint, citrus, and Slique to enhance flavor and support energy, focus, metabolism, and immunity!
- Incorporate healthy stress reduction: Roll on Stress Away daily (wrists and neck), meditate, exercise, stretch, read, state 5 gratitudes, LAUGH, etc.. See the Spa hub for more tips.
- Minerals: much evidence links many disease states to low mineral levels. Mineral Essence or Aminowise by Young Living are excellent choices for most. Consider having your levels checked and tailoring your needs.
- Special situations, gray days (winter months), extra immune support during high exposure times.... Add Vitamin D3 with K
Prevent or reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Reduce acne and improve appearance.
Reduce appearance of pores.
Brighten skin and detoxify.
Please search skin for all recipes and articles related to specific needs.
- Skin is our largest organ
- It is our first layer of protection to disease, bacteria, viruses, pollutants, sun rays and more.
- Keeping our skin healthy is an important part of our immune system.
- Keeping our skin healthy boosts confidence and success.
- Often rashes and acne are signs of internal inflammation working their way out. Topical treatments can help but will always be necessary unless stimulating factor is removed.
- Gut health is important for skin health.
- Wash - Preferences: hand made soap in recipes (for most skin types), Orange Blossom by YL (for skin tha ttends to break out), Art cleanser by YL for all skin types
- Tone: See toner recipe (this provides a deep clean to the pores and skin).
- Treat: Apply skin serum (see recipes) or consider the best value out there a $22 Beauty Serum by YL. Split into two bottles and fill with jojoba oil for tremendous reduction of fine lines and a beautiful smell as you head to bed.
Use undiluted over troublesome areas or for "peel" effects. - Moisturize: See skin serum recipe or consider my favorite moisturizer and brightener, Sheerlume by YL
Weekly or special needs:
- Scrub: scrub 1-5 times a week to stimulate new cel production, increase collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, clarify, and brighten skin. See sugar scrub recipe.
- Mask: apply a mask once a week or as needed for detoxifcation, purification, brightening and more. See charcoal mask recipe or try out my favorite Art renewal mask by YL.
- Athletes, teenagers, nurses, moms, babies and more. Keep wipes handy to swipe away build up after sports, changes and exposures throughout the day, or even a "french bath". See wipes recipe or check out the YL Seedlings Lavender wipes!
Do you struggle with chronic skin troubles? Keep these principals in mind. For continuosly glowing skin, work from the inside out!
- Keep sugars <50g/day for adults and <25g/day for kids
- Reduce processed foods
- Incorporate good fats daily (avocados, coconut oil, nuts, etc…) or consider adding a quality D3 in oil base to your diet. I love Mindwise by YL or Biotin.
- Swap it out: Switch to a clean make-up such as Savvy Minerals (feel free to reach out for more info), utilize our nightly regimen rather than fragrant and hormone disrupting cleansers, and chemical peels and masks. Search fragrance and makeup for more info.
- WATER WATER WATER: Drink 1/2 ounce of water for each pound of body weight daily. This will help clear toxins, increase fat metabolism, and increase plumpness and clarity. Add Vitality essential oils such as Peppermint, spearmint, citrus, and Slique to enhance flavor and support energy, focus, metabolism, and more!
- Incorporate healthy stress reduction: Roll on Stress Away daily (wrists, face, or neck), meditate, exercise, stretch, read, state 5 gratitudes, LAUGH, etc.. See the Spa hub for more tips.
- Increase antioxidant consumption. I prefer Ningxia Red due to varying antioxidants, ORAC value, cost, and natural effectiveness.
Kids Health
In many ways our children are just little humans, and can follow the general wellness protocol; but there are special considerations. Children are more prone to mucous build up, congestion, ear aches, and general "tummy aches". Fevers can also be scary. Our goal is to keep them above the wellness line. Research shows that children with repetitive ear aches, belly issues, or dark circles under their eyes likely suffer from a food intolerance. If you need help navigating an elimination trial please reach out. Following are rules of thumb to try first and also good habits for maintaining health.
- Start reading labels. Look for sugars, corn syrups (fructose and many other names), and dyes to start.
- Sugar should be less than 25g/day.
- Limit or eliminate processed foods (think boxed foods, most cheeses, preprepared foods). To make this easier see my downloadable pdfs for pantry swaps and grocery lists. It doesn't have to be hard, just different. We have many "low prep" meals from frozen foods that are healthy. Follow our IG and FB stories for examples.
- Eliminate cows milk except from good source like Kerry Gold butters and cheeses. Milk is FORTIFIED with vitamin D and Calcium which is not a healthy type, and kids over 2 don't need it. 70% don't even have the enzyme to break it down leading to obesity, foggy brain, and fatigue. Many vegetables have both and good olds sunshine. See our wellness box for kids to discover what supplements we recommend.
- Eliminate electronics 2 hours before bed and to 30-90min/day when possible for bain development, social skills, and healthy mood/emotional responses.
- Drink 1/2 of body weight in ounces of water each day. Drinks are a major source of sugar. Try our wellness tea and call it "special juice" We make this by the pitcher and is our only "juice" in the house. Young Living does make electrolyte flavor squirts to add to waters if you child struggle with this or needs a dye free sports drink. Aminowise is also an excellent choice! Add a little honey or agave to give it that cherry bubblegum flavor!
- SNACKS: organic chips, fruits +- peanut butter, raw vegetables, fruit popsicles, organic popcorn, nuts, etc...
- For kids with less than stellar diets see our wellness box. (probiotic, digestive enzymes, well - rounded supplement)
Women's Health
We are unique beings, often poorly understood. One of my greatest joys is empowering women to care for themselves and their friends and family. While the wellness protocol is something we can ALL follow there are a few habits and needs specific to women. Hormones, stress, sleep, fertility, and cycles are all common concerns. Remember, for a detailed and customized plan reach out for a consultation today! We have great success in all of these realms.
- Generalized inflammation from environmental toxins, occupational toxins, and beauty products disrupt our hormones and get stored in fat when we can't process them.
- Poor diet or eating habits due to time and concern caring for others.
- Poor sleep patterns due to worry, stress, malaignment, and nutrition
- Poor gut health related to diet, stress, and habits.
- In short: anxiety, heavy or irregular cycles, irrational irritability, bloating, weight gain, weak hair and nails.
- Normal monthly cycles or mood in abscense of cycle
- No unsolicited irritabilities
- Deep REM sleep and rest
- Healthy hair, skin, and nails
- Normal fertility
- Switch to a menstrual cup. You will be SHOCKED at how removing the toxins of pads and tampons can improve your health. Click for my favorite one with a valve! This makes life so much easier, providing a lot of freedom too!
- Eliminate fragrances in the home. Add in diffusers, use our recipes to DIY with essential oils, or start swapping beauty and personal care products with Young Living today. Their rewards program makes it very affordable to add this high quality products to your cabinets. With a diffuser in every room and YL and DIY in my cabinets we found we no longer suffer from migrains, eczema, irrational irritabilitym, generalized anxiety and more.
- Incorporate black strap molasses into your morning coffee or tea or take YL Multigreens every am to increase your iron count. You will be shocked at the increase in energy and focus you receive. Supporting your liver with Multigreens will have many positive effects such as mood improvement, energy, focus, less heavy menstrual cycles, and generalized inflammation reduction. YL Multigreens are an incredible supplement derived from sea kelp, bee pollen, chlorophyll that can really catch all in women's health (blood sugar levels, thyroid, digestion, immunity, nerves. It is a highly bioavailable, vegan supplement that the cells soak up!
- Take SuperCal (Young Living) at night for proper levels of Calcium, Magnesium, D3, K, and melatonin (encourages natural release) for sleep cycles.
- Our uterus has a significant number of cannibinoid CBD2 receptors. Adding CBD may assist with normal menstrual cycles. If you are having heavy and painful cycles you may have cysts. Cysts equal liver congestion so add those Multigreens! Consider the use of Nature's Ultra CBD
- Antioxidant therapy: mom brain, brain fog, are often an issue as is the worn and wearied look on our faces. That is from extra stress and free radicals in our body. Discover improved hair, skin, mood, and more with the incredible support daily ningxia red gives. Our bodies need a variety of antioxidants to scavage these free radicals and reduce their many negative effects on our bodies. Ningxia red provides a variety of some of the most potent sources available at just over $1/day.
- Endoflex essential oil blend rolled over the thyroid daily provides excellent support for your endorine system (mood, energy, proper organ function and hormone release).
- Stress Away roller on wrists and neck daily can help keep our cortisol levels normal and our stress responses appropriate.
The Healthy Classroom
OUR TEACHERS ARE OUR COUNTRIES FOUNDATION. You are teaching and nurturing our next generation. Your job cannot be valued too much. We love to help our teachers. May this information bring light to your room. Please feel free to message me for guidance. If you want to join my team I would love to have you; and will personally help you develop your "healthy and green classroom and school!
Our children spend more of their awake time in their classrooms than in their bedrooms; and we tend to underestimate the value of a healthy environment. We all, especially our teachers, desire to lead our kids in healthy ways. Struggles that are often apparent in the classroom are fatigue, hyperactivity, trouble focusing, and even intense emotional/behavioral swings.
Did you know that the environment and what children consume has a TREMENDOUS impact on our children? Many of the items we have seen as necessary or important in a classroom actually are more detrimental than helpful; and most have an excellent substitue. Fragrances, dyes, sugar, and processed candies such as corn syrup are now being linked to behavioral issues and focus issues. Studies are now showing that many dyes (but especially Red-40) disrupt the nervous systom causing focus problems and often behavioral/emotional problems. Fragrances from many items we always thought were good to use in the classroom (Lysol, wax melts, plug-ins, etc...) actually disrupt hormones, nervous system, and endocrine system. They keep the cells from communicating properly. Sugar is also our enemy. A child needs healthy fats, protein, and good carbohydrates to focus for an entire school day. When sugar is utilized as a treat, their bodies release a surge of insulin. In case of processed sugars, our cells cannot readily use it so we over produce insulin to try to accommodate the increased sugar levels. We then experience the "crash" from high insulin and not enough natural sugars. Long term, increased sugars leads to diabetes and obesity.
SYNOPSIS: These items disrupt our childrens developing nervous systems, endocrine systems, and hormones and should be avoided if possible. We have many schools and teachers utilizing our recommendations. Reach out if you need help navigating! We want ALL children to have healthy environments to learn and grow in! We may have scholarship opportunities for some schools.
- Sugar
- Processed foods
- Fragrances
- Chemical cleaners
- SWAP THE SUGAR: Utilize party favor packs for rewards, fruit or organic candies for treats (can easily be purchased in bulk on Amazon and even added to your "wishlist"), or just utilize praise and classroom rewards like "extra recess time".
- SWAP THE FRAGRANCES. A diffuser easily replaces Lysol, plug-ins, AND other aerosols. Citrus oils are safe, effective for concentration, and have been show to improve focus and mood. (WITH CHILDREN I ALWAYS RECOMMEND YOUNG LIVING. Having been to their farms and distilleries I trust their content. In addition you only need a few drops a day in a classroom. Their diffusers run for 6-8hrs and last for years. Many "off the shelf" oils are 4th distillations (diluted) with more contaminants such as phenols. Many are not even made from the proper part of the plant or type of plant to have therapeutic benefit. *if you want help navigated the process with schools please reach out. We have MANY teachers utilizing diffusers in their classrooms.
- SWAP THE CLEANERS/SPRAYS: Utilize a concentrated cleaner like Thieves for surface wiping. One thieves bottle will last all year and can be utilized in small surface sprayers or large cleaning bottles in different concetrations. This is safe for skin and respiratory systems. Ask for a gift card to be able to purchase this for the year ($22). You can even make wipes - see how below in "RECIPES".
- shoot me a message and let me know the differences you see in your kiddos.
- Get three ball jars with shaker lids and label: Calm, Focus, Comfort
- Fill with unscented epsom salts
- Drop 4-6 drops : Lavender (calm), Cedarwood (focus), Orange (comfort)
- Create a space where these live with a stool or chair (rocker stool is best)
- Allow children that are struggling a break on the stool and choose a jar to inhale (at least 4 times).
- This will stimulate the limbic system and reset the nervous system.
- You may find a mom that wants to create these for you each year!
- When spring comes around create a lesson about how plants serve us from food to essential oils! Pick the three from the jar to learn about!
- When children come in have a routine where they can choose to "high five", thumbs up/down, or hug. You can wear an essential oil such as "Stress Away" on your hands and chest. This sets their nervous systems at ease to start the day, and lets you know how they are doing!
GastroIntestinal support (GI)
From the time food, drink, supplements, toothpaste enter your mouth they travel a system responsible for breaking them down, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste. When this system is inflamed, it is unable to function properly. Contractility, absorption, elimination are all effected. This leads to vitamin deficiencies that show up as anxiety, depression, bloating, heart burn, nasal issues, congestion. *Please note reflux can be the sig of a mechanical malfunction, and can lead to severe and dangerous problems if left untreated. Please see your physician if you experience regular heart burn. That being said some people find relief by following these guidelines.
- Discover triggers for inflammation.
- Reduce inflammation throughout the GI system.
- Improve nutrient uptake and proper elimination.
- Maintain a proper pH in the GI system for optimum mobility
- Support immunity and nervous system connected to the GI system.
- Create an environment that will allow for proper absorption.
- Replace and supplement necessary vitamins, minerals, and enzymes for optimal cellular function.
- Consider Triggers: Common triggers include eggs, wheat, dairy, mold, and yeast. Alcohol, particularly wine and beer, and coffee can also be problematic due to intrinsic mold and yeast levels.
- Eliminate or address the triggers. Register for a consult for customized guidance for this.
- Establish proper pH: Drink wellness tea (see recipes) or water with lemon or orange essential oil FIRST thing in the morning. This can be repeated in the evening (even as a hot tea). Consider alkalyme by Young Living if you need additional support in this area. Combined with a drop of Lime EO this lemon lime powder helps establish a healthy pH without disrupting Calcium absorption and Vitamin D conversion.
- Add enzymes and vitamins to assist with digestion and absorption and normal cellular function. This will reduce many of the symptoms you may experience. See our GI wellness box.
- Daily botannical support with essential oils of Copaiaba and Digize will support normal funciton, while you are in the process of identifying and removing the source of inflammation.
- Inflammation takes 8 weeks to completely reverse once the cause is identified and removed.. Ideally follow the above protocol and a diet plan such as the one in "leaky gut" below for 8 weeks. However, after 3-4 weeks you may notice significant improvement. KEEP GOING! It is so worth it! The energy, digestive function, positivity, and more will make it all worth while.
For more information consider reading books like "Root Cause" and "The Grain Brain" "The Leaky Gut 4 week meal plan"
Text Education
We are all busy, and we are here to make healthy living easy. Our new text education streams are our latest tool, sent right to you!
To get the most out of it we recommend you create a Wellness Album in your photos and add our graphics there for future reference!
Thank you for your patience as we continue to learn, grow, and expand our resources.
We currently have our Welcome stream and Wellness foundations live for YOU, but keep checking back in as we add more educational campaigns. If you have a topic you would love sent to your phone drop us a message!
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Text Stay Well to (469) 998-1670 to receive 5 messages over 5 days highlighting some simple ways to stay healthy in today's world.
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The Dwelling
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The Pantry
We are what we eat! Take advantage of our shopping lists, pantry swaps, recipes and more.
The Spa
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The Studio
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