Let’s talk about stress baby
Our bodies are incredibly made! When we face challenges our bodies elicit a stress response, releasing hormones that lead to the good old “fight or flight” responses.
Those hormones help us focus, hear and see better, run faster, work harder, and be stronger.
However, long term stress can deplete us and cause poor sleep, weaken our stress response, weaken our immune system, leave us feeling sad and so much more.
Do you feel like you are experiencing too much stress?
Fortunately it is manageable. Once you have made the decision to reduce your stress you are half way there.
Top 5 methods for Daily Stress Management:
1. Stretch and Move
Pilates and Yoga offer some fantastic stretches and movements that can be accomplished anywhere and can improve circulation and posture as well as mental focus. All of this helps to reduce stress.
Complementary oils: inhale White Angelica & Frankincense or Valor. Rub Deep relief or Panaway on stubborn, tight areas.
2. Breathe
Diffusers, hand made room sprays, or cupping over nose are all excellent delivery methods straight to that pineal gland and kombucha system!
No matter where you are 4x4x4 breathing is always available.
Complimentary oils: Breathe again on chest, Raven, Orange, Kunzea, White Fir, Blue Tamsy.
3. Roll away!
We have a number of amazing essential oils that can easily be carried in a small tube with a roller ball. Swiping your wrists, neck, or feet makes for an easy way to relax and reduce stress or address the areas where you tend to hold stress most!
Favorites include Stress Away (obviously, studies show daily use can lead to lower cortisol levels). Valor, Orange, Bergamot, Blue Tansy and various combinations (see diffuser recipes)
4. Meditation or absolute quiet time
Initially it can be difficult to enter this quiet space but studies shoes it greatly decreases cortisol levels. To enhance response and ease your transition into prayer or quiet space try placing a drop of Stress Away EO or White Angelica EO in your hand and take 5 deep breaths prior to beginning!
Complimentary oils: White Angelica, Envision, Present Time, Tranformation
5. Positive Thinking
Seriously! Rub some citrus fresh, Lime, Joy, Bergamot, Believe or other joyful blends and think of 5 things you are happy about (anything - no matter how small!). This can literally change the chemistry in your brain, activate different areas, and change those negative pathways. So get thinking!
Smile that weird, awkward, forced smile until it is real!
Go on.... try it!
Complimentary oils: Believe, Joy, White Angelica, Inner Child, Abundance
Yep. I am smiling just picturing you!