Improving indoor air quality


Did you know the air INSIDE our home is likely more polluted than anywhere else?

How can we improve wellness just by cleaning up our home’s environment?

Unfortunately our home is full of chemicals that diminish oxygen delivery, disrupt our endocrine system, and damage our nervous system. (See links below for evidence)

In fact, many studies suggests that staying indoors during cold winter months leads to greater illness!

Think about that! 🤔

Good news... it is easy to improve air quality!

 Top indoor pollutants:

  • FRAGRANCES! Candles, detergents, cleaners, & dryer sheets are the top offenders.
  • Mold/Mildew
  • VOCs (often formaldehyde): cleaning supplies, pesticides, glues (even in flooring), paints, markers, copiers, DRYER SHEETS, furniture, and flooring.

To give you an idea of how bad they are, have your duct work cleaned. You will be shocked at what builds up in there, especially if you burn candles. Now imagine what the “duct work” of your lungs looks like... 😬 yep. Definitely worth the swap!

 Simple and affordable ways to greatly improve air quality:

  • Swap dryer sheets for wool dryer balls
  • Swap all plug-ins, room sprays, and scented candles for diffusers.
  • Swap cleaning products to plant based.
  • Add some of the plants to your home: weeping fig, spider plant, garden mums are some of my favorites and safe for pets. 

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my household cleaners. I will never go back! After removing these items above plus switching my laundry detergent we experienced many health benefits!

  • No more migraines for hubby!
  • Better rest for all!
  • Fewer skin issues!
  • More energy!
  • Better moods!

Yep, all by switching out our cleaners and detergents and ditching the candles & sprays for diffusers!

Make the swap today!

Why not? What are you waiting for?

Don’t forget to check out my supply lists so you have everything on hand to make!

Not a DIY person? No problem!

Here is my favorite retail product (at wholesale price)

*Do me a favor, if you order this, message me to let me know it’s on its way and how you found me!   I would love to send you a welcome gift and thank whomever referred you!

Types of pollutants in candles:

Endocrine disruption: (EPA)

What is Endocrine Disruption? | Endocrine Disruption | US EPA


Deep thoughts (or not) 😂 because I am a mom and I’m not sure I have deep thoughts anymore lol!

Declutter your home to declutter your mind!

As you walk through your house keep an eye out for things you haven’t used in a while or “junk” you don’t need. Have one bag for give away and one for trash and start “contributing” to them! You would be surprised how decluttering your Living’s space can declutter your mind! If you haven’t used something in 6 months you likely don’t need it.

So as your attack your spring cleaning check list make the switch to natural , permanent. Keep that air clean and free from toxins. Keep your brain free and clear from clutter. Enjoy a spring of rejuvenation, fresh air, and fresh starts!

We would love to have you join our team and have access to our free members resource too, so let me know if you are ready to make the jump!

#spoiledlife #wellnesswithin #healthychoices #springclean #declutter #plantbasedcleaning #home #householdcleaning