Men’s Health 102

Blog, Body Support, Wellness, Wellness

Men's health, wealth, and abundance.


Someone needs to hear this message.    From computer issues, to website issues, to life issues this has been one of the most challenging posts to get out.   So here goes!   Men are wired different than women.  Shocker, right?! (insert sarcasm for those that don't know me) We learned the inner workings of these last week, but how does that matter on the day to day?  Bottom line, men need different tools.  Hormone balance is equally important for focus, sleep, recovery, mood stability, energy, endurance, and success.  Aside from the every day protocol we are about to discuss some tools that help men deal with the day to day challenges.

"I always thought it was me against the world.  I finally realized it was just me against me all along!" - Kendrick Lamar

Being the best version of ourselves requires we spend some effort taking care of ourselves. 

As men age testosterone levels fall and often cortisol levels rise, which leads to abdominal weight gain, lower energy levels, decreased motivation, increased irritability, and decreased muscle mass among other issues.

What if you could sleep better, feel more confident, recover quicker from those fitness goals or weekend warrior fun, find that laser focus, and have the endurance and energy to reach those goals?

What would you pay or invest in time to make that happen?  What if I told you the cost of time or money is very little?  Are you ready to invest in yourself so that you can finally reach those goals in fitness, finance, business, or relationships?  Maintaining your health is ever so important.  (See last week's article and our Wellness Box page for our men's health recommendations.) Thriving, however, is another.  Why are we not all thriving?!

Here are a the most common issues I uncover with my male clients, friends, and family; and some simple solutions.

  • Sleep:  whether you get too little sleep, have difficulty falling asleep, or don't get deep enough, good quality sleep it is affecting you in many ways.  Sleep is our body's time to rest and recover.  All of our systems reset and rejuvenate  while sleeping so if you don't fill that bucket fatigue isn't your only problem.  Focus, energy, endurance, confidence/anxiety, proper cellular function, immune function will all be compromised by lack of sleep.  So what is one to do?  See my sleep protocol in the library for full information and suggestions. In the meantime some simple and free habit swaps:
    • Stop all electronic use an hour before bed.  Read, stretch, walk, engage in conversation, journal/write but stay away from the electronics.  It is a simple and free way to protect and calm your brain, increase your body frequency to prepare it to rejuvenate, and calm your nervous system.
    • Don't drink caffeine after 2 (even if you swear it doesn't affect you, trust me), and increase your water intake to 1/2 your body weight (minimum)
    • Stretch before bed.  Proper alignment and blood flow improves rest and healing. YOGA is an incredible option too if you are open to that.  
    • Deep breathing:  4x4x4 technique stimulates the limbic system, improves oxygenation, and improves positive thinking.  Add a drop of Believe, Peach and Calming, or Lavender to soothe the nervous system and prepare you for sweet dreams.  
  • Weekend Warrior:  Whether you are crushing the yard projects or still hitting the fields and courts, as you age your needs change.  If you want to wake up feeling spry the next two days and impress your friends try these tips:
    • Aminowise:  also listed as a part of a regular men's health box this water additive is power packed with the 5 essential amino acids for muscle growth or recovery, trace minerals, electrolytes, zinc, antioxidants, and more.  What you will notice? little to no sore muscles, increased energy and stamina, less risks of energy, and much quicker recovery.  Bonus? It increase NO (nitric oxide) production and release which increases oxygen delivery, decreases blood pressure, and aids in cellular recovery (scholar google it).  PS. NO is a COVID therapy.
    • Pain Cream by Young Living is the most potent OTC pain cream I have found.  You will love how quickly and effectively it works.  Applied regularly you may find you recover much quicker over all.  Also great for more chronic aches and pains.  With a natural source of salicylic acid it is highly bioavailable and well utilized by your body.  
    • Epsom salt soaks.  Don't be without them.  Pick up a plain bag of Dr. Teal's Epsom salts.  The magnesium helps relax the muscles and detox the body.  Take to another level with 2 drops of PanAway essential oil and 2 drops of Peace and Calming on the salts (then run the hot water over).  AKA the Gumby soak. Anyone remember that funny little green guy?
  • Chronic aches and pains: whether from sitting at a desk all day or old injuries that plague you aches and pains can impact focus, performance, and sleep.
    • Agilease or Tumeric supplements can have a huge impact on inflammation levels and perceived pain.  
    • Pain Cream mentioned above is still a go too.  
  • Focus and Endurance:  whether you are training for a marathon, preparing for a big board meeting, or just trying to avoid that afternoon lull and fogginess these make all the difference.
    • Ningxia Nitro:  power packed with all natural ingredients like green tea and sea kelp this shot supports the endocrine system, immune system, and brain without causing jitters or sleep disturbances. These little shot provides longer lasting energy and focus. 
    • Brain power:  For an extra ability to focus short term (for that heated tennis match or a huge sales pitch or performance of any type)try combining the breathing technique with Clarity or Brain power or Genyus essential oils.  
  • Confidence, anxieties:  you aren't alone.  You are out working hard, making it happen; but everyone experiences a little anxiety that often increase your stress levels, make sleep difficult, and sometimes impact relationships and fun. Unfortunately, it can be a cycle.  If your anxiety is debilitating please reach out.  We have many effective resources depending on your source of anxiety (food intolerance, trauma, stress, genetics, vitamin levels, etc...)
    • Valor essential oil rubbed on your jaw line or diffused at home or office creates a grounded environment that makes the anxieties disappear. Your partner will likely love the smell of this on you too! hint hint.
    • Frankincense dropped on the top of your head has been shown to create a grounding effect, decrease fogginess, and improve productivity.
    • Utilize our abundance and gratitude practices found in the library to shift your perspective and create the mindset you need to succeed today. Many of my clients find that incorporating this practice improves how they respond to challenges or opportunities, are affected by others, and allows them to create a productive and positive day. 
  • Feeling stuck?  Often in our path towards goals we hit a plateau or feel stuck.  We have several tools that can help you finally reach those amazing goals.  Whether as a CEO looking to lead your company to new heights, a runner headed for a marathon goal, or a performer ready for the next level we can connect you with a specialized AFT therapist that will help you move past your blocks and surpass your goals.  Similar to the popular EFT therapy, this combines the power of botanicals to help you release, move through, and open your mind to new perspectives.  If you are open to new techniques you will be shocked at where this can take you.
  • Heart burn:  chronic stress and increased cortisol levels and diet are often to blame for this pesky symptom.  I always recommend you see your doctor as chronic acid reflux can have severe consequences if untreated.  That being said, this is an area I have great success in improving in consults.  With a brief history we can usually uncover the cause and relieve you of this. So reach out today.  In the meantime a few things that create a more alkaline state for you...
    • Alkalime is a water additive that is derived from the peel of limes which creates a basic (alkaline) environment.  
    • My wellness tea recipe also reduces acid with ACV and Orange essential oil.  Among many other health benefits this is a great way to start or end your day!  Make it the first or last thing you drink each day, hot or cold.  

Where will you start?  

PLEASE help me spread the word by forwarding your newsletter, commenting on our social media, tagging a friend or family member, or sharing our posts.  This is how we create a safer, healthier, and more abundant community.  #grassrootsmovement #spoiledlife #wellnesshub #healthychoices (tag me in your healthy choices @spoiledlife4u)

NEXT WEEK:  We have discussed masks, social distancing, hand washing, and face touching; but why are we not discussing how to reduce our risk of complications from any mighty germ that we run into?  COVID-19 is not the first and will not be the last AND is not going anywhere!  So let's talk about how to live!

Remember, if you are dealing with personal healthy issues (mental or physical) that prevent you from being able to help your friends and community reach out for a consult today!  30 days from now you could be a new you!  If this article speaks to you it would mean the world to us if you would leave a review on our FB page, comment or share our posts, or forward this email to a friend!  We rely on word of mouth and referrals to continue to research and bring you great content and products (without the advertisements)

Have you thought about creating a regimen that would keep your family healthy?  Through difficult times often comes beautiful things.  My hope is that many of you will create healthy and useful habits that will last a lifetime and generations!  To start today check out our new "wellness box" recommendations or click our consult button today!  $50 per e-consult, $150 for telephone or FT, and $200 in person via Dr. Lewis Obi Regenerative Medicine Center.  Through the end of June new passport holders (website members) can receive $50 off their personal consultation and plan.

In love and health,



Amber N Osborne, CRNA, APRN, MSN


A promise from me:

Our bodies will have a successful immune response when exposed if we create the right environment and give it the right tools!

Don't forget to check out our all new Wellness Box Recommendations (we are building every day) and our smart Shopper Links.  Log in AND READ THE WELLNESS PROTOCOL in the Library.   

YOU HAVE MY WORD: when you initiate the protocols in your life your WILL SEE THE DIFFERENCE!  At $1/day it is the best money you can spend on your health and. home. 60 days of following our protocols WILL have lasting effects on your well-being and longevity! Check out our latest articles, protocols, and follow us on social media platforms and YouTube for announcements, give aways, and encouragement. #itmatters #healthychoices #wellness-hub

Well care is a grassroots movement that will results in healthier communities, more abundant lives, and more fulfilling relationships so

SHARE SHARE SHARE....Tag them in my media posts, forward this email, share the website...  JUST SHARE. Fill your mind and body with hope, strength, and courage and spread it!


PS...Our protocols are designed to help you create healthy habits (such as sleep), address acute needs safely, simply, and affordably at home, and have more consistent wellness. So don't miss out. Start today with one of these suggestions for a better tomorrow!
#compoundeffect #onestepatatime #keepstepping #wellnesswithin #wellnesshub #spoiledlife 

… Young Living is still the best deal going for easy swaps for a healthier home, skin and beauty, and personal care.  They even  added the highest grade CBD to the mix, AND you can get it through their rewards program making it 20% more affordable!  THAT IS INSANE   Grab a premium kit or basic kit and have full wholesale access to additional products for a full year!
As always, ordering through my links supports the research and content, but also gives you complete and free access to our passport with ALL resources included.


Click a Pillar to discover simple lifestyle habits that create lasting effects.

The Dwelling

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The Pantry

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The Spa

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The Studio

Discover simple routines and habits that make a difference in how your body feels and functions.

Grab your Wellness Passport to realize your full potential!