Spring Cleaning

Blog, Dwelling

6 Tasks - 6 Hours - Over 6 Days


So how does that sound? Whether you knock out these 6 hours in one day or one hour or 6 days your Spring cleaning will be done before you know it.

Your home will feel, smell, and look fresh!

While you are at it make the switch to homemade or Thieves cleaners to maintain clean indoor air and reduce build up in appliances!

Two methods:

  • use my recipes in my booklet or
  • use a cap of Thieves household cleaner with the additive mentioned below.

1. Dishwasher & washing machine

✔️Mix 1/8 cup baking soda, 1/8 c vinegar with 4 drops of Lemon EO.

✔️Place in normal detergent area.

✔️Run 1-2 empty cycles on sanitary or hot.

Alternatives - Thieves household cleaner with baking soda. Use one of our “pods”.

2. Windows & Glass

✔️Use “glass cleaner” or Thieves household cleaner with 10 drops Peppermint EO per 8 ounces.

✔️This helps keep the bugs away. Repeat the peppermint spray every 2-3 weeks to keep bugs off ledges!

✔️Tip: finish before the weather gets to warm and humid to prevent streaking and drying too fast.

3. Cabinets, doors, trim, or any wood beams

✔️Use a wet mop of some sort.

✔️Wet the mop pad and wring out. Then spray with “goo gone” recipe. This will restore and prevent build up.

Tip: only wet mop floors daily with water. Deep clean monthly.

I LOVE my generic wet mop from Lowe’s. I fill the container with distilled water and add a cap of Thieves or a little Bronners and Orange or Peppermint oil!

Extra tip: the best mop pads are by far cloth diaper inserts. They are so absorptive and get floors cleaner than any other.

4. Carpets & Rugs

Use our “deodorizer” recipe.

✔️Cover heavily with deodorizer

✔️Let sit for 1 hour


Tip: for spots heavily concentrate the deodorizer on that spot and make paste with water or Thieves cleaner and let sit before wiping or vacuuming.

Extra: for high traffic areas I use my upholstery cleaner with water and one cap of Thieves cleaner or one cap of bronners and 6 drops lemon EO.

5. Tile & Grout

✔️Use our “pods” recipe but place in spray bottle with vinegar or water. Can add peroxide for more whitening power.

✔️Shake over grout and tile thoroughly.

✔️Let sit one hour.

✔️Use sponge to wipe heavily soiled areas.


6. Refrigerator & Oven.

✔️After emptying spray with Thieves cleaner or Googone recipe.

✔️Let sit 15-20 min

✔️Wipe clean

Note: this will help prevent build up and make it easier to wipe up spills.

If oven has a clean cycle run it.

Deep thoughts (or not) 😂 because I am a mom and I’m not sure I have deep thoughts anymore lol!

Declutter your home to declutter your mind!

As you walk through your house keep an eye out for things you haven’t used in a while or “junk” you don’t need. Have one bag for give away and one for trash and start “contributing” to them! You would be surprised how decluttering your Living’s space can declutter your mind! If you haven’t used something in 6 months you likely don’t need it.

So as your attack your spring cleaning check list make the switch to natural , permanent. Keep that air clean and free from toxins. Keep your brain free and clear from clutter. Enjoy a spring of rejuvenation, fresh air, and fresh starts!

We would love to have you join our team and have access to our free members resource too, so let me know if you are ready to make the jump!

#spoiledlife #wellnesswithin #healthychoices #springclean #declutter #plantbasedcleaning #home #householdcleaning