Blog, Body Support, Spa, Wellness, Wellness
Season of Hope Longer days bring blossoms, bees, butterflies, and babies (animals) April is a time of birth, regeneration, and hope! A season of hope comes from the expectation of promises to be fulfilled. When was the last time you sat quietly outside? What...
Blog, Body Support, Studio, Wellness, Wellness
Connecting during Isolation Connection is vital, especially during times of isolation. Loneliness, anxiety, and depression can result from isolation. Perspective can be gleaned from staying in touch, which allows us to share burdens and lift each other up. SO HOW DO...
Blog, Body Support, Studio, Wellness, Wellness
Pain: from sitting, from exercising, from isolating Pain. Whether physical or emotional, it is likely many of us are experiencing new aches and pains. Whether we are sitting, working out, or stressing more, pain is likely a part of your life right now. DID YOU...
Blog, Body Support, Studio, Wellness, Wellness
Health Support at Home Home bound officially, what now? This pandemic has rattled the entire world and is impacting each and every one of us in different ways. We have a CHOICE. We can choose whether we take advantage of this and come out stronger, more rested, more...
Blog, Body Support, Studio, Wellness
In the Best of Times, in the Worst of Times When a pandemic has been declared do we continue daily activities such as work outs? This month is dedicated to living and advancing our active lifestyles. We are talking about tools, body support, and motivation. BUT a...
Blog, Body Support, Studio, Wellness
Goal Getter When you set a goal, can you actually visualize yourself succeeding? Ask yourself what it looks like when you get there. Visualization is the first step towards your goal. It is a tool I utilized in tennis, life, and even in my job! Patients wake...